tracy anderson - tips for following along?


TA fans, any tips for following along with her workouts? I'm previewing her meta series and continuity and she doesn't really cue, and when she does the other side there is no cueing at all - and in continuity it just goes from one exercise to the next with no set up time. I think it would take me just 10 days to memorize the routine and by then it's on to a new routine! Do yous have your TV set up a certain way to watch her? I'm thinking maybe a small/portable DVD player or putting her workouts on an iTouch to have on the floor.
I started with Post Preggo and Mat workout first, then her Design Series, to get a feel and sense of her workouts. I ad lib with/Meta until I caught on. Which only took about 2 or 3 workouts.
I have meta and was frustrated when first trying her because of the lack of cueing. There is a learning curve with her workouts and yes it does take time but usually by the 5-6th day you have the moves down. I put my tv down on the floor in front of me so I can see her. Some people use a mirror on the floor that reflects there tv screen. Be patient with yourself. HTH
I agree with everyone. It take about 3 workouts to catch on.

My hips and lower back are really bothering me with meta. I'm going to try doing the workouts in a standing position to see if that helps.
A physical therapist once told me that donkey kicks and side kick type exercises done on all fours is not good for someone with lower back problems. She gave me pretzel moves (similar to Squeeze and Calanetics) to do in place of that move. I ignored that advice and what she said is coming true for me.
I can do Cathe's Turbo barre with no pain, but Tracy's meta is beginning to cause a bad kind of pain in my hip joints and lower back.:(

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