Tracking workouts for progress & accountability


I am curious what methods other Cathelets use for tracking their workouts and tracking their progress and/or results. I currently use the Workout Manager which I have liked but I would like to be able to visibly track results better. Others than the STS workouts there aren't virtual workout cards for the other workouts & it is hard to remember what weights I used prior, I tend to shoot for whatever Cathe is lifting, but I want to track my results more closely.

What if any other programs are out there that you have tried, do you track your workouts and the results and if so what works for you?

I use 2 methods - one is "My Fitness Pal" on my iPhone to track calories, and I use old school pencil and paper worksheets (old worksheets from "The Firm") for workouts/moods/goals.
I make my own weight-sheets on Word. I'm vision impaired and have a hard time reading the sheets as they are printed out, then if I enlarge the print I get 3 'pages' for each card, so making my own is easier for me. I can print out as many as I need but I can ususally use the same one at least 4 times, which makes it easy to see if I've improved. I use the 'chapters' lists to help me out.
Me too. Literally an old notebook from college!

Same here school notes slipped in DVD case, excel spreadsheet some made by myself with weight and reps others downloaded on here. Have a look on "cathe's compendium part one and two" if you need to. I am exploring the workout manager. I have just purchased a nutrition software to track my diet .

What I probably need to do is take body measurement, I have not done it for a while. My clothes seem to be having extra room for my body though :D!

I write all over my Cathe calendar. I've got years of them up, so I can look back and see what I've been doing. I log calories and time for all workouts that I do. It works for me!

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