Tracey Anderson - Perfect Design series


Can anyone give me any information on Tracey Anderson's Perfect Design Series? What kind of workout is this and is it effective?

Is the meta series a better purchase?

Thanks for your help!

I haven't done these but they are done in the same way, you use each I, II, & III, for 10 days each. They are longer, about 50 minutes a day. With Tracy's method you should do the muscular structure (PDS or Omni, etc.) and at least 30 minutes of cardio, 6 days per week, especially if you are looking for results in shaping & weight loss. They really look like artwork, with the city backdrop. (so with PDS you'll need a dance cardio her Dance cardio II is filmed in a similar set Meta comes with dance cardio)

The cool thing about Meta is you can pick your area of trouble spot, OmniCentric overall, Hipcentric, Glutecentric, or Abcentric. From the comments I read when in that program, people did get very targeted results most notably, (abs & hips) I think all her workouts get the glutes. All the Centric series also work the entire body :)

They say you can't spot reduce but with her I think you can. It's really a matter of time, 80-90 minutes a day with PDS or 60-70 minutes per day with Meta (or the specific area you want to target with Meta), and $ you can get PDS on ebay for cheap, get all three though for a whole month workout series. Meta is a 90 day program. Working muscular structure & cardio 30 minutes each per day, 6 days a week for me was a very effective way to exercise.

You can't go wrong with either, for me new found overall body strength, in many previously weak areas, slimming, shaping (you'll work for it!) and the dance cardio is fun! Overall value? Metamorphosis is really good! Yes I'm a fan, can you tell? hahaha.

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Today Tracy is on QVC with the Meta program at 2 p.m EST, you get an extra disc (month of workouts) that's 120 days with that package. It's a really good deal if you're looking for a program, if you stick with it, you'll see changes the whole way through.


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