Toughest Cathe Strength Workout?


In your opinion, what is the hardest of Cathe's strength workouts you have done? I have PS, and I thought it would be a bit more challenging than it is. Is there something tougher? Do the tougher workouts have a zillion lunges?? My knees don't like those :(

IMO...because of the concentration level. I think Slow & Heavy is the toughest of her strength workouts. The only lunges are some warm-up lunges with light dumbbells and then Static Lunges with whatever weight you choose to use and side lunges with light weight. Also for legs there are squats, plie squats with a heavy dumbbell and calf raises. I won't even start with the upper body workout!!...:)...Carole
S&H is very tough! :) I find PH to be really tough in a different way, the length of each exercise creates such a burn in my muscles, I end up taking a break every once in awhile.
I guess I need to add S&H to my Cathe wish list LOL!!! I'd love to hear about the upper body workouts though, that is what I'm most interested in. Any comments on them? Thanks :)
The upper body ones are fairly basic but tough as she does 3 sets of 8 reps for most of them. Chest: Bench,Flys, Incline Bench and Incline Flys all with Dumbbells. Also some push-ups. Back: Dumbbell rows, Pullovers, Deadlifts all with Dumbbells. Shoulders: Front Raise,Side Lateral, Posterior Delt Raise, Seated Overhead press and Lying Rotator Cuff all with Dumbbells (my favorite part!). Triceps: Seated french press, Lying press, Kickbacks, Dips. Biceps: Curls, Hammer curls, Barbell curls, Forearm wrist curl, Underhand wrist curls. There is also some ab and plank work....:)...Carole
My vote goes for Power Hour. Even if I didn't use weights my legs would be screaming on the lunges. That was my first Cathe tape...what an introduction!

For muscle building, MIS can be quite difficult if you go as heavy as possible. You should also get good results from PUB/PLB. Slow & Heavy may be what your looking for, long slow reps with heavy weights. For endurance, my vote would definitely be power hour. Also, make sure you are going as heavy as possible if your not feeling it, just a suggestion.

I don't have many full strength videos, just ME and Pyramids. I found PUB to be quite challenging. My arms were shaking yesterday and are a little sore today. My inner thighs were sore for 3 days after PLB.:eek: The PLB has more variety for leg work. Though, I only have done this once, I believe it has just 1 section of lunges (3 sets up and 3 sets down). But it is not overkill. The stability ball/floor work is awesome and I don't have a stability ball and found Brenda's modifications just as tough! I usually don't like long strength workouts, but I have to say this one really holds my interest. :7
I combine Leaner Legs with the upper body section of Body Max. This is, without a doubt, the toughest total body workout I've ever done.
I would say the toughest ABSOLUTE strength Cathe workouts are:
1. The Slow and Heavy Series
2. The Pyramids (PUB and PLB) in the Intensity Series
For me, the pyramids are more fun (the focus required for S&H is just too much sometimes). PLB has some good stability ball work for the legs rather than having a zillion lunges (although there are some of those too).

I would say the toughest DYNAMIC strength (ie endurance) Cathe workouts are:
1. Muscular Endurance (my favorite...the low-end static lunges for 7 are GREAT).
2. MIS (although this one borders on absolute strength but due to the rep speed I consider it an endurance workout)
3. Power Hour

I think the key to building muscle and cutting fat is to do a good mix of the ABSOLUTE strength workouts AND the DYNAMIC strength workouts. Of course you have to throw in some intense cardio too. For those reasons, I believe the Intensity Series is the absolute best program on video!

I would vote for ME - it is also my favorite. Slow and Heavy is difficult, but you can do each a different day while ME is one video. They all are really great!
These are my votes, in order of toughest to least toughest - not that any of Cathe's workouts are un-tough!! LOL!!

Slow & Heavy series (because of the concentration involved)
Muscle Endurance
Leaner Legs
Power Hour
Pure Strength series
Push Pull and Supersets

Just my opinion of course ... as you can see, we each vary a bit in what we perceive as "tough".

I just did this a couple days ago after neglecting this video for months, and I swear my biceps looked more pumped & swollen a couple days after. They really still look bigger since then. I love it!


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