Total Body Blast Ck In 3/2-3/8


Hi Everyone,
I left you a note on the other Total Blast Check In but I neglected to tell you how much I appreciated getting to work with you on the Blast rotation. Thank you so much for the kind words. I shall treasure them always. You all are a great encouragment to me as well.

As mentioned in the other thread, I can pop in from time to time and see how you are doing if you want. I'm still doing the Intense Series, only focusing on more weight work for two weeks.
I can testify that cardio helps you to lose weight. LOL I'm not cutting out cardio, just cutting down.
Well, I haven't checked in over that last couple of days. Busy weekend with basketball games and kid stuff.

Saturday I did Pure Strength Strong Legs and the Stability ball portion of PLB. I also did first 5 intervals of Imax2. I don't like PLB because I have the type of barbell with the star scrw ends making it impossible to keep up. I tried it with dumbells one time and my forearms felt more than my legs. I love the ball work though.

Today I will do Pyramid Upper Body and TRYYYY!!! to do the ball work. I can't seem to get that part down. Someone suggested doing the ball work first. I think I will try this because by the time I am supposed to do the ball work my arms are CRAZY exhausted and I am supposed to hold my body up with them! You all know what I mean?

I will check in later to tell you if I felt that way is any better.

Have a glorious day.
Christi <><

Today I did PUB. It seems to be getting easier - next time I think I will try slightly heavier! All except for that biceps section. I'm not ready for heavier on that yet. I'm still way below what Cathe is using! (5, 8, 10) I'm so glad that is the last muscle (upper) worked on this tape.

Yesterday, I did PLB, all of IMAX2 (I was feeling energized and couldn't stop after 5!) and the ball work from PUB.

Christi - it sounds like we are on the same schedule... I did do the ball section of PUB yesterday because I am to tired to hold myself up after the pyramid section of PUB. I think it does help to do it either before or another time. I think I am slowly improving on those V planks. I can't yet lift up as high as Cathe and gang, but I can still feel it. And I still can't get that part where you lift one leg off the ball. That just seems impossible for me...

Wanda - I am glad you are still with us even if you are not on the rotation. You are very inspiring.

Have a good day!
Hello everyone.

I did Boot Camp today. It seemed harder to me today than usual. Sometimes my body does this to me. I just feel tired.

I can't workout Saturday, so my week looks like this.

Mon - Boot Camp (DONE)
Tues - Cardio & Weights
Wednesday - Muscle Endurance
Thurs - Imax2
Fri - PS legs/ME stability ball section/First 5 intervals of Imax2
Sat - rest
Sun - PUB

I think this will work out ok.

Laura, I agree with you on those PUB biceps! They are killer. I do 10/12/15, but the noises I make while doing them certainly would scare the dogs under the bedx(

Hope you have a great evening and I will check in tomorrow.
Christi <><

Today was the dreaded Boot Camp! I woke up hungry so I had to have a few bites of my Luna bar before I could get going!

What happened to our group here? Oh well, I will continue on atleast for another week or so. I just received a ton of new Cathe vids - but I have to review them before I can do them! I may sub one of them tomorrow though since tomorrow is my IMAX2 day and I did the complete workout on Sunday. Then again, I LOVE IMAX2!

Christi - I have those days where one workout feels harder than usual. I always try to figure out why, but really it could be anything... I remember a few weeks ago BootCamp was that way for me. Then, the following week it was easier. Strange how our bodies work, isn't it?

Have a good day/evening....
Hi. You are right. I guess it's just me and you, Laura.

Today I did Cardio & Weights, but I upped my bench height to 8 inches. This is an easier workout for me and I wanted to make it more difficult. It is amazing how only a few inches can make your workout so much harder. It was great today.

Tomorrow I will do Muscle Endurance. I will try and go heavy.

Have a great evening,
Christi <><
Hey Hey, you girls are doing a fantastic job! Sounds like you are seeing improvements, by lifting heavier, stronger, upping your bench.
Good job!
I was particularily interested if I could go heavier with the S&H series after 8 weeks of the Intense. I was amazed! When I left off in December, the Chest and Back, I could barely use 15# for the presses and flys. Monday, I used 20# throughout the WHOLE thing!!! I used 45# on my barbell for the deadlifts.
Then yesterday for Triceps and Biceps, I used 20# for all the overhead presses in the triceps. I used 15# for the first sets of the biceps before going done to 12's like Cathe used.
And...I did Imax Monday and for the first time since I have had that workout...(3years on the back shelf LOl) I did Every Single One of those crazy scissors. No modifications anywhere.
Sunday night, I did the cardio portion of Boot Camp plus all the core work. Wowzers, did my sides and hips hurt later that night! That is a challenge to do all that core work at once...LOL
But I think doing all the cardio of Boot Camp helps mentally to be able to do the workout. I did Boot Camp Tuesday morning and those Terminators were stronger. The mind thought we were soon going to be through the class after that. Ha ha....:D

So my weird combinations have been so far:
Saturday Cardio&Weights with the Shoulder work from S&H
Sunday Pyramid Lower Body and later Boot Camp cardio and core work
Monday Imax and later Chest and Back and 11 min of ab work(planks)
Tuesday Boot Camp and later Triceps and Biceps with the ab work

Today will be Imax 2 and some ab work.
A friend of mine was telling me last night that she saw where core work is the best way to get flat abs. I said yes it really does help. Would you like to feel my waist? I couldn't show her my waist because we were at another friend's house ;-) but she felt my waist and exclaimed...'There's nothing there!' I replied...yep...core work.
She said I couldn't be her friend anymore. LOL

Would you girls be interested in doing the Total Body Conditioning after you finish up the Total Blast rotation? I encourage you to give the Total Blast a good run for the money because there are great results to be had. But was just wondering if you'd like to join me later on with endurance work?

The tapes in Cathe's rotation for this is
Imax 2
Cardio and Weights
Muscle Endurance.....I was thinking of also alternating Power Hour
Circuit Max and alternating Boot Camp
Cathe also suggested a lower intesity cardio of your choice

Keep up your great work. I'll stop in and see you again real soon.
Hi Wanda! Thanks for checking back in on us. Laura and I seem to be the only ones left. I am still on week 5 and plan on doing this rotation for 8 weeks. After that, I was thinking of adding S&H into a rotation somehow. I haven't thought about it in great lengths yet.

Congratulations Wanda on your strength gains! I was also amazed after doing Intensity Series for awhile and I went back to Imax and it wasn't as hard as I remembered. I understand on those sissors. They are tough. Congratulation, you worked hard for that.

Today I will do ME. I was thinking of trying to go heavy. I think I will use 2 15# dumbells for step ups. I have to stay the same on the biceps though because I barely make it every time with what Cathe uses.

I agree on the core work. I may be halluciating, but could a six pack be trying to peek through? I am going to continue the core work with the next rotation I do also. I believe it is working!

I will check in later.

Christi <><

This morning I did Rhythmic Step for the first time. I'm pretty choreo-challenged, but suprisingly I got about 80% of the moves right away. Cathe's cueing is great! I enjoyed it but I think once I get it all down, it will be even more fun. Tomorrow is Muscle Endurance. Ugh! I think I'm going to try to go heavier than I usually do. I hope I don't regret it.

Wanda- I'm glad you are keeping in touch with us. Congrats on your strength gains! I am really impressed. I am anxious to go back and try MIS and see if it is any easier for me than it used to be... I think this may be my last week of the Total Body Blast. I'm not sure where to go from here. I just received a handful of Cathe VHS tapes and CTX on DVD - so I am very anxious to try those out. I have been looking over my list of tapes trying to put together a rotation, but I have never done that before, so it's a little overwhelming for me. I'll just keep staring at it until I figure something out, I guess.:)
Hello! Congratulations on your all your new videos! I love Rhythmic Step. It is one of my favorites.

Today I did Muscle Endurance. For 5 sets of leg press I used two 15# dumbells. On the last set I went down to two 10# dumbells. For squats I did 50# barbell and for static lunges I did 35# barbell. My bicep weight stayed the same at 20# barbell. For some reason I can't seem to get any stronger in my biceps.

Well, tomorrow I was supposed to do legs, but after upping all my weight in ME for legs I think I will let them rest. Maybe I will do Step Works. I really like that one.

Talk to you later.
Christi <><
Hi you 'two'. :D
Just thought I'd pop in for a minute after reading your posts.
I was once told if you want to put a rotation together, first of all ask yourself what are your goals. Do you want more cardio, more strength gains or do you want muscle endurance.
Then look at your video collection and choose the ones that fit your goal at the time.
Finally, get your calendar or pen and paper and write in your videos for how many days you plan to work out. You may want to watch putting two strength or weight days back to back or two intense cardios. Seeing it on paper gives you the idea how it fits together.
As Cathe says: "Just a suggesstion, take it or leave it." :D :D
And...nothing is written in stone, right? :D

Hope this helps a little bit.

And Christi....50# barbell for static lunges? go girl!
I'm still at the same weight for the biceps too. Yesterday I was using 20# for the overhead presses in triceps...
I can't understand why the tri's get stronger, faster than the bi's.

I guess we just have to keep practicing. LOL Step Works sounds fun. I haven't did that one for awhile. I threw in Step Fit the other day. I was fun doing the original Cathe's angels. LOL

Have fun with your workouts. Catch you later
Hi gals! Just came to check back on you! You keep it goin' the 2 of you! Soooo cute! Looks like you are sticking to it and doing great!

Wanda - Congrats on your success with this series! I too noticed tremendous strength gains in S&H! I was amazed! I can do 15 lbs on biceps a good majority of the time! I am also up to 20 lbs on heavy chest yeahhhhh!!!!! :p Also, even my triceps are stronger! Plus my cardio is doing awesome.

I also agree that core takes inches off the abs! My DH says I feel smaller every day he hugs me :+

I am also starting BFL today! I need some control on the diet!

Miss you guys!

Here is what my rotation has looked like and will look like the next couple weeks. I have had great results after I hit my plateau on the intensity series. I am now focusing more on heavy wts and CARDIO!

Last Week:
Sat: viper
Sun: pub/plb floor except hams
Mon: club step class
Tues: rest
Wed: ctx all step + 10-10-10 1/2
Thurs: BC Cardio, MIC hi low, S&H chest & shoulders
Fri: Imax extreme, ps bi & tri, pub bi&back, plb squats & deadlifts&inner/outer on ball + pub abs on ball

This week:
Sat: Rest
Sun: Gauntlet
Mon: Cardio Kicks + abs
Tues: Muscle Endurance + PLB ball legs(inner/outer thigh)
Wed: Imax Extreme + PUB Abs (***Today)
Thurs: Cardio @ Club + legs
Fri: PUB + Cardio

Next Week:
Sat: Gauntlet
Sun: Muscle Endurance + CTX cardio
Mon: Imax2 + PLB evening
Tues: rest
Wed: PUB + Cardio
Thurs: Cardio @ Club + legs
Fri: Boot Camp
Hi LuvCardio,
Good to hear from you and what you've been doing.
If you don't mind, I'd like to print out your two weeks rotation. You have some interesting combo's put together. I think this would be fun to mix things up at times.
While I have combined the ME and a cardio, and the Imax, Imax 2 with either PUB or PLB, it was neat to see how you combined the ball in your weeks rotation.
Your version of The Imax extreme on Friday is something I want to try very soon.

And....a great big Hi to you girls today.
I'm doing Cardio and Weights this morning. You have a wonderful workout day.

This morning I did ME. I usually use 35 instead of 40 for the squats. I did 40 this morning and survived. Also, on biceps I usually only use my 15lb barbell. This morning, I got brave I tried to add weights to make 20. Whew! I made it - but I cheated and took a few extra breaks. I still felt it though! I think that wore me out! After biceps, I felt really fatigued. No so much that I could finish the tape, but it was quite a struggle. Then my muscles were burning all morning long. (That's okay, I LOVE that feeling! Makes me feel like my muscles are GROWING...;-)

Wanda - thanks for the rotation advice. My goal is to lose 9-10 more pounds. I guess the main thing I should be focusing on is cardio. Maybe I'll try to include 4 cardios and 2 full strength training vids per week. One cardio could include C&W or Circuit Max, I suppose. I think I may try to write it all out and see how it looks on paper as you advised.

Christi - wow! You used 2 15s for leg presses! I'm impressed! I dread those! I think those are my least favorite exercises on the tape. I can't even imagine what a 50lb BB feels like!:eek:

LuvCardio - I'm glad you are visiting us also... Your dh scored some points when he made you comment about you feeling smaller! What a sweetie! Good luck with BFL and your rotation! Looks like a tough one!

Today I did Imax2. I still love this one. I don't know if I will ever get tired of it.

Tomorrow I think I will try Viper out for the first time. I am a little scared. Have you all tried that one yet? I did Gauntlet one day and I liked it. The only thing is I had to take a few more seconds to breath between Boot Camp cardio section and Imax2 section.

I am supposed to work legs, but I worked them pretty hard Wednesday and I have been wanting to try the Viper so what the hay.

Well, it's time to read bedtime books to a precious little boy who calls me mommy.

Have a great night!

Christi <><

Quick check-in here.... (Extremely busy at workx( ) Today was my day off!(From exercise - not work)

I have a dilemma for tomorrow though. A friend wants to go running tomorrow and I felt I couldn't turn that down. I haven't run since December. will I fit in C&W? I'll just have to try to make time for both. I love C&W so much I hate to miss it!

Gotta go....
Hi there :) I've had a crazy week so haven't been able to check-in. I am still doing the rotation. Here's my week (it's a little modified to fit my schedule)

Mon-C&W (cardio only
Wens, Thrs-rest
Fri-PLB and CTX shoulder, tris, bis

I know I've veered off the blast rotation somewhat, but I haven't been feeling very high energy this week. I had midterms this week, too so I just fit in the exercise when I could. I am proud to say that Bootcamp was a little easier this time around. I didn't feel like I was going to die this time. I did feel a little nauseous a few times, but I ate something right before doing the tape (bad idea). Today I felt so energetic that I did PLB and some upper body work from CTX. I can tell I'm getting stronger, too. Yeah! I'm not sure if I will workout tomorrow. I am sleep-deprivation mode. I may just recuperate.

Thanks for posting the rotations everyone. I am going to try some of them out. They look fantastic.

Have a great weekend! :7
Hi all!

tsut, glad you checked in! Congrats on getting stronger. Recuperating sounds like a good idea. Then you can come back more energetic than ever!...

Yesterday I did C&W and I went to run with my friend. We did about 3 miles. It's been so long, I was sore! I still feel it a little today. Today is PLB and if I can fit it in - 1st five intervals of IMAX2. If I don't have the time for IMAX2, I won't beat myself up too much since I did run yesterday. But, I do miss IMAX2. I did the whole thing last Sunday and I substitued Rhythmic Step during the week since I completed it Sunday. We'll see....

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