Top 3 "Hall of fame" Cathe workouts?


O.K., here's the sit: for some unfathomable reason, the powers that be (whoever they may be) have decided that we may each only keep three Cathe workouts!! Which three would you choose, and why? Which three Cathe workouts are "must-haves"? (Sets like "PLB/PUB" or the Pure Strength Series count as one selection, but Series like "Intensity Series" or "Body Blast" do matter how tempted you may be to cheat!)

My three picks, in no particular order:
1) Power Hour. A thorough endurance workout that stresses good form, Power Hour is a routine that challenges me every time I go back to it.

2) Slow and Heavy: at the opposite end of the scale is Slow and Heavy, a muscle building workout that challenges my strength.

3) I wanted to choose a cardio workout, but I can't leave out PLB/PUB. PLB is my favorite Cathe lower body workout, and in spite of transitions I find too quick (I often pause my DVD player, or let the crew get ahead of me and then chapter back), PLB has the best combo of moves and doesn't overdo any of them.
RE: Top 3

Okay I'll play, but I would challenge the Powers-that-be's decision first ... :)

1. Slow & Heavy series because it gives me the most bang for my buck in terms of strength gains, and I simply love doing it!!

2. Imax2 because it STILL kicks my behind and gives me a great cardio workout!!

3. Step, Jump & Pump because it's my favorite circuit type tape of Cathe's!!

Great idea for a thread, Kathryn!! :)

RE: Top 3

:D O.K.,if I had to pick just three of Cathe's videos they would be:
1. Step, Pump and Jump. Love the variety, intensity and sweat factor
2. Step Blast! I am a step enthusiast at heart and love the challenging choreography!

3. Slow and Heavy series! Nothing twitches my muscles fibers like this series!

Fun topic!
RE: Top 3

I'll try, I'm still fairly new to Cathe's workouts so I love them all, but here are the three I'd definitely keep (in no particular order):

Kick, Punch & Crunch
Muscle Endurance
RE: Top 3

1. Imax 1
It's so tough and effective.

2. Pure Strength series-It's so tough and effective ;-)

3. BootCamp/ME-not quite as tough, but fun, still effective and has great premixes. (I assume if the powers that be let us count the Pyramids as one unit then this one is OK)
RE: Top 3

>1. Imax 1
>It's so tough and effective.
>2. Pure Strength series-It's so tough and effective ;-)
>3. BootCamp/ME-not quite as tough, but fun, still effective
>and has great premixes. (I assume if the powers that be let us
>count the Pyramids as one unit then this one is OK)

BLAM! (That's the PTB blasting you with a lightening bolt for cheating!LOL PLB/PUB are counted as one unit because they are designed to be used together to get a complete workout. BC and ME just happen to be on the same DVD--and one will be erased by the PTB!)
RE: Top 3

1. Powermax for cardio. My all-time cathe cardio fave.

2. CTX upper/Leaner legs. (this is the CTX equivalent to the Intensities PUB/PLB, so there PTB!!!!)

3. Slow & Heavy.

RE: Top 3

Now this is incredibly hard!! I do hate making decisions...:)...

1. Slow & Heavy (love the challenge)

2. PUB/PLB (pyramid weightlifting has always been a favorite of mine)

3. Imax2 (the awesome music and fat burning intervals)

Did make me think though...Carole
RE: Top 3

2. ME
3. Imax
I think......may I change my mind later? Tee hee.
RE: Top 3

Great topic, Kathryn!

Are these videos or DVD's? (In other words, are there premixes, mix and matches, etc?)

I haven't done all of Cathe's workouts yet, but out of the ones I've done, in no particular order, I choose:

1) SLOW AND HEAVY: stresses meticulous form. I'm only on my second week of this series, though, so I can't speak to strength gains.

2) BOOTCAMP: a lot of bang for the buck. It has done wonders for my core.

3) MUSCLE ENDURANCE: a great all-around total body endurance workout. I've yet to try PH, though, so I might change my mind later if I don't get annihilated by the PTB.

I'm ducking my head to avoid any lightning bolts, but I think the PTB should let us choose four workouts! That way, we could choose one strength, one endurance, one circuit and one cardio. Why just three, oh PTB? (Hey, that rhymes!:) )
RE: Top 3

Uh, tough choice... and such a depressing situation, Kathryn! But I'll settle for:

1. PS Series
2. Pyramids
3. PH DVD (I can have the DVD here, can't I? MIS is in there!)

I guess I can get my cardio from another instructor.:)

RE: Top 3

The very idea of those evil 'powers that be' and their devious plot of taking my Cathe's makes my blood run cold, perhaps they could have my first born LOL, but they will never make me part with

1) BodyMax (my first Cathe and sentimental fave) }(

2) PLB/PUB (the possibilities for modifications are practically endless):7

Now for the last one...this is taking way longer than it should, think, think, think...x(
I'm feeling quite neurotic over this one, it must be a step work out.... I'm going

3) StepBlast, that's my final answer (I think:p)

I'm going now to hang garlic or some such on my door to ward off the aforesaid evil doers

Thanks Kathryn that was fun
Take Care
RE: Top 3

I have this vision of Kathryn sitting at her computer with a bottle of bourbon and a whip, waiting to lash us for screwing up the rules. And she'll be yelling profanities in French too.

I'm afraid. But here goes:

1. LL/Upper Body Split
2. Power Hour
3. Slow & Heavy

RE: Top 3

Tough one! I'd have to go with...

Power Hour
Kick Punch & Crunch

I think that we really need 5 or 6 selections, though, don't you??


:) :)
RE: Top 3

Good Thread:) My 3 would be
KPC because I really tone out my lower body:)
Imax 2 because it really helps maintain my weight:)
PUB/PLB because I feel like I've gotten stronger using this one:)

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