Took my BFL pics... sooooo depressing!


HI all... We just got our BFL pics back and all I can say is "oh my gosh!!!" they are so depressing. I about cried :-(

I can not believe that I have been working that hard and still look like that. It is sooo depressing because I have been working out so hard with the new intensity series. My eating sky rocketed though and I have been trying to get it under control. I think my workouts were just basiclly balancing out my eating and I have been making no progress. I know I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I know I have made progress the past 6 months so I shouldn't be so sad. It is just so hard to see those pics and know the hours upon hours I have put into my workouts ;( I really think that maybe I have been overtraining and obviously overeating and those two things together may be to blame. Obviously I am doing something REALLY wrong.

The good thing is now I am sooo motivated to eat right. All I have to do is look at those pictures and it is pretty easy to load up ALL the girlscout cookies right into my hubby's car so he can take them to work like he promised 3 weeks ago.

I tell ya'... if you have thought about joining BFL...just do it. Just taking those pics and actually looking at them is a motivator all by itself.

I am going to stick to his weight and diet routine. I am still doing some research on the cardio aspect as I just don't know how 20 min. will be enough for me. Hopefully sticking to the BFL wt. plan will minimize the overtraining of my muscles I have been experiencing with the Intensity series by itself.

Has anyone else taken pics lately and felt similar? I could sure use a few cyber hugs ;(

I did the exact same thing you did, and felted the exact same way after looking at my pictures. After taking my first set of pictures on 1/22/03, I posted them on my wall, all four angles front side and back. I cried after seeing them. I just couldn't believe with all the hard work I was doing, that I still looked awful, really. My thighs hold the most fat, and they are covered with cellulite.

I retook my pictures in 4 weeks, which was 2/22, and seen a little progress, but still so depressing. So now, I am retaking them again on the 3/22nd of this month, which would be another four weeks.

I'm starting to notice more improvements, especially in my thighs, there're starting to lean down some. Not to mention, I'm pear shape, and my biggest problem area is my thighs. and, if you are thick like me. It is going to take some work, just keep at it. I lean and toned my legs down once before and the were nice. So if I did it once before I can do it again, huh!!

And, as you know diet is everything. I too was working out hard but eating and nibbling all through the day. So, I cut way back on nibbling. I brought me a purse size note pad, and journal everything, even when I mess up.

And, too, I started more Cardio bc my legs was getting HUGE from Cathe's Lower Body workouts. Posts your pictures and then retake them every four weeks or so, this will also give you some motivation ;o) Keep up the good work !!

I'm sorry that you are so upset by your pictures. Try not to let it get you down... doesn't sound like it is though, you seem pretty motivated to keep working.

How do you think those pics would have looked if you'd have taken them 6 months ago? You'd probalby have been even more upset. Please don't forget about the progress you've made so far, all that hard work has NOT been for nothing! This is just another step on your journey and you will continue to see results.

I can relate to how you're feeling and when I start feeling this way I try to remember how I felt when I was a size 14 (I'm now an 8 by the way - thanks to some hard work with Cathe and my healthier eating system). I still have times when I see pictures and thing "UGH!" Turns out, it's really not "ugh" after all, I'm just too hard on myself. I also wonder, what in the world am I comparing myself to? I feel better than I ever have in my life. When I compare this to how I felt 4 years ago, I know that I'm on the right track.

Anyway, just wanted to say that I think I know a little of what you're feeling. Keep up the good work.

LuvCardio- I took my pics too, but I haven't had the guts to get them developed yet. We will all stick together thru this and we will look better at the end of our 12 weeks. I am kinda sticking to his cardio, kinda. On one of my LB days, like tomorrow, I am going to do the leg portion of MIS, then I will do the lower body premix from BC. I will get the cardio drills and more LB work. I will use my Rocker though, I just LOVE it, and my knees feel so much better. Then 2 mornings a week, I will do cardio of some kind on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. Last week I did his Aerobic Solution but I did the cycle 5 times instead of 4, so it was more like a 1/2 hour instead of 20 mins. I want to really build some muscle, so I am going to stick to less cardio, at least in the beginning. Be patient, we will all get thru this together, and all look better in the end!!!!!
Lori S.
Thanks everyone for the kind words! I really needed it! I went to Super Walmart tonight and loaded up on healthy food. I am soooo excited. Now my fridge, freezer and cupboards are filled with good stuff. I even bought a George Foreman Grill! So.... I have no excuse. My DH even decided to try it with me. He is so cute and has so many questions. He hasn't worked out in months and eats like a pig. I am sure anything he does will be beneficial. It will help to have him eating healthy too.

TeddyGirl - our bodies sound a lot alike! I carry mine all in my lower section. I too think I might need to try out another type of cardio and that I am maybe getting too much leg work with Cathe. I like you was real lean at one point in my life but have always struggled with lower body weight gain, fat etc. I know my legs can be that thin again. I just have to quit piggin' out and hopefully that will help.

LizzieLiz - You are sooo sweet and really cheered me up. I appreciate it. I am trying to see the positive in it and benefit from the motivation. We have to learn to just be happy with our bodies and realize we are not rail thin models and I probably wouldn't want to be one anyway:) You are right in that my pics from 6 months ago would have been worse... I probably would have laughed myself right out of my chair :7 Thanks for the cyber thoughts of support!

LoriSax - you are soooo right. We will get thru this one way or another! I am 100% committed to this program! Those pics sure helped take me to that 100% mark!
I did BFL last year(2 times) and I agree those pics can be really motivating! I was amazed! BFL really helped me get my focus back and I shed about 13" and decreased my body fat. I still incorporate some of his principals and use his 20mn cardio when I'm pressed for time.
I wish you the bst of luck in your challenge! Susan

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