too tired


I love working out, but lately I can't get myself out of bed in the morning. I work long hours, but I need to work out! Does anyone have any tips on a ways to get yourself up in the morning. No matter how much I tell myself I am going to get up, I always seem to be able to convince myself to stay in bed.
Help please!!
I hear ya, Lizzy, but one thing I've found is that I will guilt myself into getting up. I'll hit the snooze button and then I lay awake thinking of excuses why I don't need to get up and workout. After a couple of seconds my mind has my stomach in knots of guilt because I KNOW I should get up and workout. Sometimes it takes longer to get to that guilty feeling and I have to pick a shorter workout (i.e. CTX) but more often than not I end up getting my lazy butt out of bed and do something.

:) Good luck

Cheers, Marcia :)
Devote time on the weekend to organizing all your clothes, etc for the week. Then you can go to bed unnaturally early. Just read (or whatever your evening ritual is) and you'll wake up before the alarm! That's what I do.

Also, one day of the week I rest or work out at the gym after work. It's my sleep-in day.

I totally agree! Last week I had to get ready for my boys' 1st birthday so I was up later than usual therefore not getting up in the morning to work out. Then this week I was sick. I am hoping I can get back into it tomorrow morning. I just hate not working our for a week or so. It's always so much harder to get back into it.

I will also be reading everyones responses for advise.

I'll chime in with Connie. It helps me to get organized for the work week - lunches, clothing - on the weekends. It's also very important to get enough sleep. I read somewhere if you need an alarm to wake you up in the morning, you're sleep deprived - and most of us are. I'm not much of a morning person, but I find myself waking up naturally if I get 7-8 hours of sleep and stick with a schedule. I try to go to bed and get up at pretty much the same time, even on the weekends.

You know, I wake up "naturally" after 7-8 hours of sleep too, but my god, it just DOES NOT HAPPEN on work mornings. Gee.....could it be that I just don't want to go to work?? Weekend mornings I am hopping out of bed!!!:) I will stick with my evil alarm!

OK, set your alarm to ring really LOUD and then use the adrenaline rush you get from the shock of the loud sound to fling yourself out of bed before you can even think about it. That's the only thing that works for me!!!!!!!! It actually does work.
Ha Beth!

That is too funny! I can just picture you flinging yourself out of bed, eyes wide open from the shock of your LOUD alarm![/img]
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Ha Beth!

Or get one of those beds that pops you out like a toaster...oh, I guess only the Jetson's have those. :+
RE: Ha Beth!

Thanks everyone,
I do spend time in bed after I hit the snooze button feeling guilty and trying to justify my "sleep in". I just need to remember(even if it is 5:45am) that I will feel awesome all day if I get in my "Cathe".
I'll let you all know if this new reasoning works for me.
I will say this, listen to your body. If you are tired because of lots of work hours then you need to make sure you get proper rest and don't kill yourself working out alot. Take it from me because as I type this I am recovering from walking pneumonia that I got from running myself ragged trying to keep up with work, family, working out, etc, etc. Prioritize, and stay organized.
Hi Lizzy,

I too was feeling very tired this week and not at all wanting to drag myself out of bed and work out. I completely understand how you feel!:) My energy level was very low during the day and I was feeling worn out. So, I modified my workouts, took out some cardio, gave myself and extra rest day, and allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted. Now four days later I feel refreshed and am ready to go back to my usual workouts and healthy eating! My point is, sometimes you have to give yourself a break! Just be sure to get back on track soon.:) :)

Best wishes, feel rested soon!
Hi Lizzie
I agree with all the advice here I owrk strange hours too and know that I need sleep in order to work out so I take naps when ppossible just a half hour makes a world of diffference But I know thta si not laways possible for evevryone, I know too that working out makes me feel better no matter what sometimes you need to just lower your intensity or atke a day off Good luck hope you feel good this week
What helps me get up in the AM is natural light - so I leave my blinds open.

Unfortuately, with the winter months approaching, light won't be coming in my windows until 6:30 - too late for you.

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