Too Much Cardio?


New Member

Do you believe that a person can do too much cardio-and if yes- what are the reasons?

The reason I ask is this- I run about 20-25 miles a week on top of doing your cardio workouts about 2 times a week. I also do your weight workouts about 3 times a week. I have really seen a difference in my size and how tone I am- but I haven't really put on muscle- I've just gotten lean- and as far as my shoulders and arms go I would really like for my muscles to get bigger- Could my amount of cardio be effecting this?

- and while I'm here what is your opinion on caffeine effecting diet (could one cup of coffee a day be effecting my weight loss?).

Kasey Helder

p.s. I love your workouts- I've lost 40 lbs in a year with your help- thank you!
Not Cathe here, but yes, too much cardio can impact your muscle tone. When you burn off all the fat during cardio, your body goes to muscle to keep pulling energy. So you may be burning muscle in addition to fat by how much you're doing.

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