Too much cardio stopping muscle growth?

A rambling reply!

Hi Christi,
I know where you're coming from! Try just eating the eggs every other morning instead of every morning! Get another book and see how the authors differ and what they agree on! The food part is where I need the most help. I am in some deeply ingrained habits and I don't have much time for retraining! I hardly even know how to cook meats!

BodyRx had some good suggestions like buy fresh turkey breast at the deli. However, not all delis have fresh turkey breast so you have to scout for it! Also shrimp is a great source of protein. Have you ever had a shrimp omelet? MMmm! Bags of frozen shrimp are easy to use!

Also don't overlook the cumulative fiber in fruit and veg. This lowers the need for as much Fiber One or bran. Apples cut up are better than crackers to put peanut butter on (one of my daily habits!) Raspberries are a great alternative to pretzels. Whole wheat bread is better than other kinds.

Turkey jerky or beef jerky is better than chips! Try doing the new things every other day instead of daily.

I agree that Fiber One tastes- well, far from Cap'n Crunch! I think it tastes OK mixed with other cereal though. I am starting to incorporate it with nonfat cottage cheese for a snack. Not every time!

Watching that high fructose corn syrup in everything is the best piece of info that I got out of this book. I think however the fact that Dr. Connelly advocates no cardio at all goes along with a slightly more restrictive food program than I like.

I will gladly do 2 cardios one week instead of 3 to 4 but I woyuld rather eat a little more of fun food and do Rhythmic Step than do neither. I think cardio gives a functional advantage too.

Remember, carbs are sugar, starch and grains. Protein is meat, fish, and some dairy products. You know what fat is! Well that's enough for now! -Connie
RE: A rambling reply!

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I will try a few of those alternatives. I agree with you on the cardio part. I believe you need both strength and cardio. I enjoy my cardio portions and will definitely keep them in my routines.

I have no clue how much I weigh and haven't kept track at all, but I know I have lost some inches even before I tried adding protein and fiber. I am anxious to see after 12 weeks if eating these extras helps.

Thanks again for your advice,
RE: A rambling reply!

Hi Christi--

I just wanted to give you some feedback on what I have been doing for the last 12 weeks and it seems to be working..

I used to do an hour of cardio and a 1/2 hour of weights 6x a week.. I just wasn't seeing the results that I thought I should by training that hard.. I spoke to an exercise physiologist that told me I was doing WAY too much cardio. He said cut it down to 1/2 hour a day but keep the 1/2 hour of strength training.. he said keep workouts to not more than about an hour.. but "hit it intense" when you do..
As far as diet, his recommendation was to eat complex carbs, and try to get about 1 gm of protein per 1 kg of body weight ( that means 1 gm of protein per 2.2 lbs of body weight, not the 1 gm per 1 lb of body weight alot of the fitness magazines suggest and is pretty hard to do)

Well I did exactly what he suggested.. and guess what.. it worked!!!! I lost 4 lbs without even really trying and really saw some significant changes in my body. Not to mention the easing of the mental pressure I felt of trying to fit in 1 1/2 hours of exercise with a 1 year old and a job every day.

I was skeptical about the reducing of cardio.. but it really did work!!

I also mixed it up a bit.. some days I would do an hour of cardio, then next day an hour of weights... I could incorporate a lot of Cathe's videos into the new regime as well.. I used the ctx series and slow and heavy especially.

Sorry for the long post, but as a "living example" of what some of the knowledgeable people have posted , I felt I had to share.

Good luck!!!

RE: Thanks Lynn

Thanks Lynn, for posting your experience.

I cut down on the cardio and increased my weights about a week ago and haven't noticed a real difference yet, but your experience gives me hope. I am not a patient person, and yet I know true results take tiiimmee! Thanks for helping me stay focused.

RE: Thanks Lynn

Hi FitnessRN---

It took a good 4-5 weeks to see anything different for me... I know how you feel.. it does take time!!!

Let me know how it goes for you! Good luck.

RE: Thanks Lynn


When I started having pains in the back of my left ankle, I cut back on cardio to 2 or 3 times per week, and upped my weight from 2 to 4. I was VERY worried about gaining weight. I just knew I would, but so far, all my clothes fit the same and I don't mind the extra toned look I'm starting to achieve. Thank goodness Cathe had some weight tapes or I would have been lost...can't get to a gym these days to lift.

Of course, like has been said before, everyone is different so you'll just have to see what works for you. Isn't it scary to go where you haven't been before. Good Luck. Sami

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