Hi Debbie,
First of all congrats on your pregnancy! How far along are you now? I had my little boy, Daniel, over 10 weeks ago now (my how the time flies!!). I still remember how difficult it was to work out during those first few weeks, LOL!! It sounds like you are doing great now - as Cathe has said in previous posts, pregnancy is not the time to try to make strength or cardio gains, but a time to try to maintain the level of fitness you have already achieved, safely and healthily. Personally, I did Power Hour 1-2 times per week during my pregnancy - I lightened the weight, and sometimes did the leg work with no weight at all. I also did 30 - 60 mins of cardio 2-3 times per week. Although I didn't see a huge difference whilst actually pregnant, the benefits were apparent AFTER I had given birth in that my body did spring back almost straight away! I was actually lighter 10 days after having Daniel than I was before I got pregnant - and I certainly hadn't been eating carefully throughout my pregnancy once the sickness subsided!! Chocolate was a regular feature of my diet, LOL!! :9
Also, my legs and tummy were firmer and flatter respectively, than before I was pregnant. Don't get me wrong - I have still have some way to go to get back to my target weight, but the high rep, endurance style of Powr Hour really worked for me whilst pregnant. The CTX series would also qualify in this case.
Anyway, I suppose what I am trying to say is, keep up the good work! Although you may not actually SEE the benefits the workouts are having on your shape at the moment (the body has a way of laying down fat stores where needed whilst pregnant!), you will surely see the benefits once you have had the baby.
Hope this helps a little! Take care!
Kaz x