Toning and Shaping Legs


New Member
Hi Cathe, It seems like I have been working forever to try to get my legs to have a good toned shape. They have definately built up muscle but it seems like I am having a hard time get that visible definition, like you have. I do your legs video, step tapes, run, weight, and nautilus. I have knee problems so I have to be careful with what I do. It seems like the lunges aggrevate the knee more than any other excercises.
I don't know what to do. I just keep at it hoping some day it will change.

Hi Teresa

I'm not Cathe, but I noticed your question hasn't been answered yet and I have some advice that might help you. I started doing Karen Voight's Great Weighted Workout and noticed a change in the definition of my legs in a week. I also have bad knees and her leg section is all floor work so the knees are not strained at all. I found this to be a very thorough and difficult leg workout. You did mention Cathe's legs and this is more for toning than building, but it will definitely give you definition in your legs. At least that is my experience. You could try it and see what you think. It also does upperbody and abs and I like it as a toning workout, but the legs especially are good. If you do try it, let me know what you think, I would be interested to find out if others have the same results that I have.
I can idenitfy with you!

Legs are my weak area to tone upper body looks great, but I have one heck of a time with my legs.

To cut to the chase....I have begun to cross-train with race walking, Taebo, and Interval Step tapes, PLUS I've begun to do 2 tough leg workouts per week. I alternate different 3 lower body workout tapes with a heavy Cybex machines workout at the Y. It finally seems to be working.

You just have to work very hard. I don't think my legs will ever look like Cathe's, but I'll do the best I can.
Might try the T-Squat if you have bad knees...


I just posted about this over at videofitness, but I thought it might interest you. A personal trainer found a way to allow his clients with bad backs and knees to do squats pain-free.

He basically built a t-shape out of iron pipe from the hardware store and loaded up barbell plates on the stem end. He says it'll hold up to 350lbs! As if!

Then the person holds the t-handles and dangles it down between their legs in a wide-stance squat. They can squat with much heavier weights than they can in regular barbell squats this way.

Just thought you might want to read more about this, here's the link:

Good luck!

Dawn P.
Hi Dawn

Thanks for the info on the T-squats. I have trouble with my knees also and this sounds like a great idea.

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