Tomorrow is the Danskin Triathalon and I am nervous


Good thread on "are you secretive about excercise". Yes,I've gotten some looks when a few people heard of my triathalon. Tomorrow is my first tri and I hope I can complete it. My goal is not to walk during the 3rd seg, the 3.1m run.

I have always been a runner and we have a pool so 6 weeks ago I started doing laps and have worked up to the 1/2mile (same as tri). Every day I've been swimming, running, cathe GS & SH but I've only gone out on my bike a 1/2 dozen times. I don't know if I've really trained enough but my goal is not to be the fastest but just to finish.

The swim in the lake is going to be interesting. I will let you all know how it was. :)

I think you will surprise your self and do better than you thought! Be sure to chek in and let us know :)
AKA "Likes2bfit"

Good luck, and congrats on making it this far I’m sure you’ll meet your goals for this one. Don’t be nervous everyone already is, so remember your not alone and drink a bit of water every time you feel nervous, as that can actually dehydrate you a little bit and right now you need to be very hydrated. For the first race (tri) the most important thing on this one is to have fun, and learn, and hold back a little don't completely wear yourself out on the first segment, it can be really easy to do, as this is one segment everyone tries to make time, so they’ll be going hard, so they got a few seconds lead, over everyone behind them. Which for most is a good thing if the water happens to suddenly be rough (in a lake or river) or it’s really hot, then they don’t have to run so hard on the last segment. There are a lot of different strategies to any race; it’s just finding the right one for you.

You may not come in first, but you'll have won a ton of knowledge so if you do decide to try again, you'll be able to know everything you didn’t know this time around and really set your goals much higher.

Do really get the water down you today before the race, as much as you possible can drink with a bit of gatorade, as that tri will take a ton out of you, and it's always better to be super hydrated a day or two prior to the race, and then drink what you need during it, then to just do your normal 80 oz of water the two days before and then actually be dehydrating out there, as your body just can't save enough fluid, but having a fluid storage the day or two before allows you to be cooler longer and not dehydrate as quick.

Have fun,

OOH sounds fun! Enjoy the triathalon, and enjoy the high after the triathalon over how well you accomplished your goal!!

Good luck, Chrissy!!
Thanks everyone for the great well wishes and Kit thank you so much for the great advice.

This morning was the race materials pick up and there was approx. 1000 women. It was set up with promo booths, selling all the latest and greatest in the 3 sports. They had motivational speakers in the auditorium. It was a great feeling to be there with all these other women.

I'm I must sleep..need to leave by 5am


Glad the conference thing of the race went well for you and got the excitement going. I hope you do get some sleep tonight and be nice and energized tomorrow am, and good luck!


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