Tomorrow is my surgery


I hope all goes well for you tomorrow. Hope you'll be back with us soon. I'll check out your blog too.

EDA--I did check out your blog. I see that you are involved with the Scouts. Cool. My 11 year old is a new boy scout this year (after several years as a cub scout) and my husband is an assistant scout master and receiving all sorts of training and what not. They are both loving it.

Their first campout is coming up soon.

Oh Dave! How exciting!!! I'm happy for you. I hope your surgery and recovery goes very smoothly and you feel much better soon.

good luck and well wishes for a full good recovery


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Wishing you well in your surgery. Don't forget to fill those perscriptions(pre?)right away!;-) We should have pitched in and rented you a laptop while you were recovering.LOL. Handheld electronic games really hold my interest while I am sitting and waiting for something. Look forward to reading your blog.

I wish you well and I'll remember you in my thoughts and prayers. You have my best wishes for a full recovery. Now, get back to the boards soon and let us know how you did!!

Good luck with the surgery Dave...I will pray for a speedy recovery. I have a good friend that had both hips done and is doing very well...take care...:)..Carole
Best of luck Dave. Right about this time you should be having nothing by mouth, no water, no chewing gum, no smokes (not that I thought you would). Follow all your instructions for the quickest recovery.

Most of all, DON'T BE SHY about using your MORPHINE PUMP! }(

Marla;-) :7
Best of luck to you! I know a guy that has had both his replaced and it has changed his life - in a good way! :) Here's to a speedy recovery!

Hey Dave, praying that it all goes perfectly and you are feeling great in no time. I love reading the blogs from people here, so it will be fun to check in. Take care!
Good luck Dave. I hope it all goes smoothly and that you can recuperate with infinite patience! Now's the time to catch up on your reading and "great movies of all time" list!! ;-)


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