Toasty - Need advice

Hi Charlotte,
I'm trying to tweak my diet a bit, my abs are starting to look fatty again. Not sure why. I was wondering if it could be my protein bars? I eat one or two a day, usually its my meal #3 at 3 p.m. - I know I read that you eat a lot of protein bars during the day, do you think they can do this? I usually eat Clif bars, Zones or Luna's. I'm wondering if the sugar content is doing this to me. I always look bloated. Getting frustrated about as summer is right around the corner. I workout like crazy and do tons of ab work. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
HI Debbie, I was reading your post and I have to tell you that I have such a problem with Clif bars! I cant stop getting into them...the Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip are the best...

I was wondering the same thing myself...they do have a high carb content but if it is a meal replacement then maybe it is okay
I am not Charlotte, but thought I would chime in here since I have something to offer!

I have noticed in the past that bars can sometimes cause bloat and create a puffy look. Not sure if it is the carbs, the sugar or both, but something in there does it, that is for sure. Maybe you ought to try something more protein oriented with less carbs and sugar. There are many bars out there to experiment with and see if there is a difference.

Another thought is to give the bars a rest for a week and see if there is a difference.

Good Luck!
I wanted to also suggest that you might try looking at the kind of protein in the bars. If it is mainly soy protein isolates or even hydrolyzed whey, you might be experiencing some plain old trouble with digesting that kind of protein. You could try switching to a different brand with plant based protein or even a protein powder that is vegetable (I know Kathryn has loved the hemp protein products that she has tried lately and I hear from other sources as well that it is both easily digestible and assimilable for they body). Or you could just go with a and actual meal of balanced carb/protein/fat at this time for a week or two and see if this clears up the bloating.
Hope you clear this up because your cuts are an inspiration to a lot of us here!

Your grandness, needs my advice? :* You know, I have been having the same problem lately. My problem is that I started eating protein bars a few hours after dinner and I too have noticed a slight increase in my bodyfat that seems to be settling right along my lower backside...EW! LOL! I developed a habit of eating after 6pm and now I am going back to not eating after 6pm again. I tried PM protein shakes too in the evening, even the low carb kind and I still found that I gained at least 2 pounds the next day. My problem too is that I lift heavy and I want to eat more so I do and if I don't do much cardio then I keep gaining the weight. So for me, I don't eat after 6 now and back to running or airborne jumping jacks, running in place, etc. Anything that is cardio. I hope to see some improvements soon. Will let you know. How much cardio do you do?

Hi Charlotte, thanks for the reply.

I always eat after 6, my last meal is at 7:50 p.m., I eat 3/4 cup South Beach cereal and a protein shake. I have to or my energy level for my 5:30 a.m. workout is nothing. I've been doing this forever so I don't think thats the cause. I've also been doing an endurance rotation since November and seem to have gained weight. I'm now back on my heavy weight training days with 3 days of cardio so I'm hoping this will diminish the body fat. Its very irritating. I was doing an hour and a half of cardio 4 to 5 days a week there for a while and lost ZERO! The only thing I've changed is eating more protein bars and I love them so I hate to stop eating them.

What protein bars do you eat?

I usually buy the Atkins Advantage protein bars. These have alittle more fat in them, but higher in protein and no sugar. I will also eat the Procria (I think that is what it is called)

I talked with Sara (Imafitnessfreak) and she thinks that another reason we may see an increase in bodyfat is that our bodies could be getting better at storing glucose. I think the key thing for me is not to eat after 6 because that works for me and I don't workout really early like you do, instead much later and switching workouts up alot more then I do. Confuse and confuse the body, that is what I am going to start doing more of....mass confusion workouts! LOL!

What do you mean our bodies could be getting better at storing glucose? Does that mean I need to lower my sugar intake, which is almost nothing now (except for the protein bars and my salad dressing).

How do the Atkins bars taste?

The Atkins bars are delilcious, IMHO. I really like the chocolate withe the coconut in them. But...I noticed bloating after I started eating them so I stopped. I am an endo so that may just be unique to my body type.
I have been trying to cut back on my protein bar/shake intake myself. I was drinking two shakes and eating one bar a day. One of the shakes I was drinking every night was my evening snack. I stopped doing that for the past week and cut down my bar consumption and feel much better. I'm trying to replace the MRP's with clean foods. It's tough though because the MRP's are so convenient and the bars to me are my little "treat" since they are somewhat like a chocolate bar. Or the closest I get.:7

Hi Debbie! I too had experienced the same bloatedness from the bars. Its the malitol that does it not to mention all that sugar too & let's not talk about gas. Its best to just consume real food if you can. I know that maybe due to your job your not able to eat a salad in the PM but maybe just a little bit of cottage cheese w/fruit would be better. HTH, Kathy:D
I have tried the nutrition bars as well. I almost always have bloating problems and indigestion from them. I would much rather consume healthy foods minus the additives that make them taste good but can be counterproductive. The last ones I tried were Myoplex light. Food is much better.

Diane Sue
This is where I have a problem. I have NO IDEA what to substitute. You can only eat so much chicken and tuna in one day. Any suggestions? Something fun?

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