To SNM: Terminator DVD ??s


Will the 3 routines on this DVD be preprogrammed to do, for example, 1/2 of the Gauntlet routine w/ warmup & cooldown one day, and the second 1/2 of the Gauntlet routine w/ warmup & cooldown the next day, so that we can have shorter versions of the complete Gauntlet (or Terminator/Viper routines)? This would give 9 preprogrammed routines, both short and long, ready to play (without having to fast forward or program at home). Also, will the equipment requirements be the same (tall box, medicine ball) as the individual tapes/DVDs?
The Terninator DVD will be chaptered so you can easily select each section, but it would be impossible to create 9 mini pre-programmed routines. A DVD 9 disc can only hold a maximum of 240 minutes and we're already near this limit. The only way this could be done is to use “end commands” which could be risky. Without getting too technical, “end commands” can be inserted throughout a DVD. These commands would allow what you’re asking to be done. The problem is these same “end commands” cause brief freezes wherever they’re put on the DVD. Also, I’m not sure if the board which sets the DVD standards has accepted “end commands” yet. If it is possible and 100% safe to do, we will certainly consider your suggestion.

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