To Moms with 2+ kids.... how do you squeeze workouts in?

christy g


To all the mom's out there with more than one child..... How in the world do you squeeze a workout in and keep the kids (and hubby) from feeling neglected? I check to post-partum thread from time to time and am amazed that you ladies can actually find time to do a workout. Please share how you do it!

Here is the abbreviated background on me...
- 2 kids (24 months and 7 weeks)
- married (hubby works 7am-5pm)
- stay at home mom

I have been trying to fit workouts into my routine and it's not going as well as I hoped. I am nursing my newborn every 2 hours. I know it is impossible to do a whole hour workout with a newborn from beginning to end without stopping... I have realistic expectations on that because of having one child already.

So, what I am trying is pushing play/pause until I have completed the whole workout. An hour workout has taken me as much as 2 1/2 hours. Meanwhile, I need to do something with my 24 month old during this time because she is running around the house or making a mess or getting into something she is not suppose to.

My toddler takes a 1 hour nap in the afternoon, but, as luck would have it, that is exactly the time my newborn wakes to be nursed. By the time I finish that feeding, I'm luck if I have 10 minutes to myself.
I thought about doing the workout when hubby gets home. However, dinner is usually about 5:30pm in order to accomodate my toddler going to bed at 7pm. We eat dinner as a family. From 7-9pm I am trying to calm a fussy newborn. This fussy time is when my newborn cluster feeds, so, it's not really possible to get a workout in then either. At 9pm I fall into bed for the night but wake every 3 hours (if I'm lucky) to nurse my newborn. So, needless to say getting up early or staying up late is not an option right now... at least not until my newborn is sleeping through the night. There has got to be a better way to do this.

You should also know that my toddler is an extremely busy little girl. She likes to move around and do things. I have tried to get her to do the workout with me, but, her attention span is 2 minutes or less. I have also tried giving her little projects like coloring or play-doh those only seem to last about 10 minutes and she makes a HUGE mess that takes me longer to clean up than the time she is actually involved with them. She doesn't really play with toys alone yet. Any advice on keeping a 2 year old busy for more than 10 minutes?

Help! I need to workout. I feel like crap. I gained 37 pounds this pregnancy and have 20 pounds to loose still. Yuck. I need a workout for my sanity. I've always enjoyed working out. This is the only thing I want to do for myself right now...

Any help you can offer would be fantastic.
Congrats on your new baby!:) I know how you feel, don't be too hard on yourself. I have 2 girls ages 24 months and 4 years and 18 weeks pregnant with my 3rd. I also babysit a 5 month old baby. I really enjoy exercising and lifting weights (especially Cathe videos). I worked out through my 2nd pregnancy but after the baby was born, I couldn't find the time between my toddler and nursing my newborn baby. To be honest I didn't do much for excercise (only walking) untill my baby was 3 months old. I was very exhausted from night feedings and such. I am a SAHM also but my husband works and I have to take him. So I started waking up early so I could exercise before I took him to work and I could do it without my toddler running around. I sill do it like this to this day. I do cardio 5 mornings a week and lift weights 3 days. When I do my lifting I do it while the kids are playing and they usually don't bother me. I have taught them that this is "exercise time" and they picked up on it qucikly. Sometimes they even want to exercise with me (they have 1lb weights). You will eventually find the time to workout. If you have to break up your routine and do it when you can. I wish you the best of luck.
Try not too feel bad about wanting to do this for yourself. After all you deserve it! Sometimes I too feel like I'm neglicting my kids when I workout. I still do it because I think of it this way... the kids have the rest of the day. It's only an hour. I have my kids used to my routine. At first they were under my feet, literaly. I know it sounds harsh but as desperate as I was, I would just totally ignore them when I was exercising and if they bothered me I told them "go play, this is mommy's time." I really think exercising relieves stress and makes you feel better about yourself. Could you get up early in the morning to exercise?
As a soon-to-be-mom of twins, that is great are also teaching your kids that exercise should be a part of everyone's life. Thanks to both of you for asking the question and for the great advice...I will definately be saying "this is mommy's time".

I have been there and I feel for you! My kids are spaced about the same as yours, and I was going through this last fall and winter. When your baby is a couple of months old, and you aren't nursing as frequently, you will be able to fit in more chunks of a workout at a time... time it is just a matter of time... the younger the kids are the more challenging it can be! I wish I had a magic potion, but I don't think there is one!

Just don't lose your motivation to try! It can be depressing to see the slow weightloss. But, since you can't workout as much as you would probably like, your best bet to get the weight off is to commit to a clean diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and beans to get yourself feeling better. It works!

My toddler is 34 months and my baby is 12 months. I can finally workout when they are awake (though I frequently try to make sure at least one of them is napping). They will watch me or play around me and I just try to avoid stepping on them! Angela is right on, sometimes you will have to ignore them to get that workout in, but they will get used to your workout time being yours. We stay at home moms give our kids so much attention already that we deserve it!

Again, I feel your pain! Good luck!
Do you have a double stroller? Maybe try taking them for walks to get your cardio in. For weights maybe try doing one body part per day to keep it to 15-20 minutes. You might just have to steal a few minutes whenever you can until the baby is a little older. Is your husband home on weekends where he could watch the kids so you could get a long workout in?

Can you put the 2 year old in front of another tv (with a parent-approved show), and give her a snack? This worked for me when my 1st DD was 2-3 years old.

My 2nd DD had a long nap first thing in the morning, right from birth, so in her first few months of life I worked out during that time. When she got to 3-4 months of age, I would put her in the Jolly Jumper during my workout time. She absolutely loved this, and was quite content to jump around while I was jumping around. She was also content to be in her Bouncy Seat (the Fisher Price aquatic one), or the Exersaucer. She's now 9.5 months, and crawling/cruising around, and no longer happy to be contained in anything. So, I usually workout either at 6am (before she wakes up), or at 9:30pm (after she's gone to sleep). My 1st DD is going to turn 6 this month, and is very respectful of my workout time, so she's not a concern.

What I've learned to do since the birth of my second daughter is how to be flexible. While I generally prefer to workout first thing in the morning, there are times when I have to just do it whenever I get the chance: early morning, mid morning, afternoon, or evening.

If all else fails, you may just have to accept that at this time in your life, you're going to have to do your workouts in spurts, as you're doing now. You're doing good things for yourself, regardless of how it gets done. It won't be this way forever, or even for very long. Kids really do grow up so fast.

Good luck!
RE: To Moms with 2+ kids.... how do you squeeze workout...

I used to work out after my son's first morning feeding...He would usually eat between 5-6 a.m. and then go back to sleep for a few hours so I always did my work out then.

Now I do it early in the morning before he gets up (he's 14 months now), at nap time or, I go to the gym which, IMO, is THE BEST when you have kids! Most gyms have an age minimum for babies that they will watch in thier daycares so this option may not even work for you yet but if it is possible, you might want to consider it for the near future. I get my work out in while my son has a blast in the daycare playing with the other children and flirting with the ladies who work there!;) We are both quite happy and when we come home, he is nice and tired and ready for a nap. I have alot more time to myself this way as it frees up the early mornings and nap time for me...unless ofcourse I want to do weight work at home and my cardio at the gym, then I will usually do weights early in the a.m. but will STILL have nap time to myself. :) (I am a SAHM as well.)

Because you are breastfeeding it is DEFINATELY harder to find time. I tried bf'ing but it didn't work for us so my son was on formula and he would go 3-4 hours easy between feedings so I had the time to work out. I was also blessed with a good sleeper, which helps!:)

Have you ever considered pumping ahead of time and then letting your DH take a feeding in the evening so that you can get some kind of work out in after dinner perhaps? Just a thought!:)

I like the idea of the stroller! I personally would love to get a jogging stroller some day!:)
Thanks for your insight. I kind of figured that it would be tough to get quality workouts in the beginning. I'm glad to hear that you made it work once your newborn was closer to 3 months old. I only have another 5 more weeks until she is 3 months old. I remember with my older girl that the 3-4 month birthday was a turning point for me and her. She was finally sleeping longer chunks of time over night and that did a world of difference for me mentally and physically.

Your suggestion on ignorning them is great. I don't know why I didn't think of that! :) I already found that I had to do this when I vacuum the house. My toddler picked up on that right away.

I have 1lb weights for her as well. She especially likes using my extra exercise tubing when I use the Slim Series and P90X workouts. She is so cute trying to do the moves ;)

Thanks again!
Thanks for your advice too! I see you posting your workouts all the time on these boards and have admired your dedication.

My diet is not "perfectly clean" most days. Thanks for the reminder. Bummer, I can't eat that hot fudge sundae tonight... ;)

You are right...we stay at home moms give a ton of attention to our kids and 1 hour is not too much to ask in order for us to keep our sanity. It certainly makes me a better person.

Duh! I have my hubbies help on the weekend! I can easily get 2 quality workouts in. Oh boy am I excited! I can not believe I did not think of that. I have always done my workouts during the week and then taken the weekends off. That does not have to be the case anymore. Thank you! Thank you!

Your idea for body parts is great as well. I could probably handle that!
I have a double stroller, but, my toddler is in a weird stage right now where she gets really panicky when we go for walks - Especially if we leave Daddy at home. I load her up with snacks and it's getting better, but, it's not easy at the moment.

Thanks again for your awesome advice!

You ladies are the greatest! I have a ton of ideas and motivation to suck it up for the next few months. I know it will get easier once I get the hang of it and my newborn sleeps more. I just need patience during this stage.

Thanks everyone! Can't wait to get going!
RE: Thanks!

Christy, I am glad you are sounding rejuvenated!

Cute picture of you and your babies, I didn't notice it earlier, you must have just posted it. (or I am out of it!)
RE: Thanks!

Just wanted to say thanks again for all your encouragement.

Quick update...I did Circuit Max today without stopping to nurse or entertain my toddler! Hubby watched the kids. Yeah! About 10 minutes into the workout I actually started crying tears of joy. It felt so good to be working out again at a decent intensity. My hubby brought Maisie down to watch me workout and was cracking jokes and telling Maisie that Mommmy was doing 'wheels on the bus round and round' when I was doing speed bag arms. Isn't that the cutest? She giggled and was quite entertained watching me. Life changes when you have kids (for the better) ;)

Thanks again for your help!
i have 5 kids 9 7.5 twin girls 5 and 2 year.they are all at school in the mornings im free. but if i cant workout in the morning i always think that the night is also good so sometimes i workout at 10 and even 11pm.and im still brestfeeding my young and he is still sleeping with me and yes i love it.please dont be hard on yourself in time everything will get into regular pase just remember that u r dictating the pase not your childrem.mine r going to bed at 7:30.tell yourself that its only for a short time and except the diffculty with love and understanding that now your job is 2 b a mom,enjoy this feeling.I so much understand u i also felt like that with my twins but then i noticed that its working against me i was feeling trapped and then i said 2 my self that im missing the best part (i was beast feeding them both simultany)there will be still time 4 me 2 loose all 30 kg that i gained. and b4 child no 5 i lost have fun enjoy the life and now that its all temporerly.
P.S. I hope to have in the future more children:) :) ;-) :*

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