to fitness freak



I have several questions maybe you could help me out. For about 4 weeks I have been doing heavy weight and it goes somethin like this. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: I will do between 4-6 sets of 6-10 reps. overhead tricep, lying triceps, bent down tricep, then I will go to bar biceps, concentration curls, and dumbell curls, then I will do overhead shourders with barbell, laterall raise, front raise, and every once in while I will change up a little example shrugs, uprigh rows, wide shoulder raises. How does this look, would you do anything different? My goal is to get more moscular define but lean. Oh, and about every 8 weeks I will change to lighter weights with the same format between 4-6 sets of 12-15 reps. I know its confusing but maybe you could give me a few tips. I don't own any of Cathes weight training DVD's. I basically have been following this same routing when I dicovered Cory Everson about 13 years ago. Thanks!

This looks good, Lourdes. When are you working your legs? How much cardio do you do in a week?

For your tricep work I would add in or trade off doing Close Grip Barbell Press and Bench Dips. These two exercises are excellent for tricep growth.

Are you doing any chest work?
Hey Debbie! Thanks for getting back to me. I ussually work my legs the same days I work my upper body. For my legs I tend to keep my reps high just becuase I'm short and like to keep my legs as lean and possible. As for cardio I do cardio everyday 40+ I run 6 miles 3 times a week and do aourobics on the other days. Ches work I tend to do once or twice a week, I'm very flat on my top and feel like they will totally disapear if I do to much chest. I work out my back on my running days Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday along with my chest workout. I'm 5feet tall at 105 pounds. I know my diet is the the best I either eat to much or not much at all. During the week my diet goes something like this: Before workout a piece of toast with jelly, and cup of coffee, after workout 5 eggs whites, for a snack I'll have hand full of nuts, for now for lunch I have been stuck on Go lean cearal for the longest time with bananas and skim milk, for dinner I will try chicken with veggies or beef and veggies, sometimes nothing. I have five children and run daycare from home sometimes I will cook something not to good so I will end up not eating and having doritos before bed. As for the weekend I go all out and eat whatever I want. I try eating clean but my husband and kids always get upset. Anyways what do you think? One more question, how long do I have to eat before a weigh segment? Thanks Debbie!

How long have you been working out for? For what you want to do you should follow this plan:

Days are only an example, put the body parts on whatever day you want to use.

Mon: Chest/Tri's
Tues: Cardio/running
Wed.: Back/Bi's
Thurs: Cardio/running
Fri: Shoulders/Legs
Sat: Cardio/running
Sun: off

You should never do cardio ever day. Over kill and over training big time here. If you are looking to build muscle and define your body, less cardio is better. You still need it, but not every day. I learned this the hard way. I did cardio 6+ days a week at over an hour a pop and it did nothing but make my muscles look stringy.

You need to work ALL parts of your body. Do not skip chest work. If you don't want to build, just don't go heavy. But you need to keep those muscles working and symetrical with all the others. Plus it's not safe to ignore body parts, they all need to be strong to assist the other body parts you are working. High rep leg workouts are fine but switch it up a bit and go heavy sometimes. Just to shock them.

For pre workout foods you should always have a good carb and protein. I eat 1/4 c. oats with 1 scoop of BSN Lean Desert protein powder and I always have one cup of coffee to kick my energy in the butt. Your post workout food should always be a whey protein shake. Always. and then a couple hours later you should eat more good carbs and protein and a fat. I usually have another bowl of oats w/ BSN and 1 tbsp. ground flaxseed for the fat.

Your diet can make or break you. I eat clean 99% of the week. I give myself cheat meals and snacks on Saturday's only. Especially when I'm cutting.

Hope this helps!
I've been working out for about 16 years now. I will try do cut back on my cardio. It will be hard though! I'm always afraid I will start gaining weight if I give up my cardio. How long before I see results once I start following your guidelines? Thanks Debbie!

I'd give it at least 4-6 weeks. You should start seeing results in that time span.

Keep me updated and good luck! I'm here if you need anything else.
Hi Debbie,

One more question. When I switch it up to lighter weights high reps do I do the same sample format? Do you stick to heavy weights low reps yoursef? How much time do I have to eat after a weight workout? I think thats it for today. Thanks Debbie!

Yes, just lower your weights but do the same type of exercises and up the reps.

You should eat about a half hour to 45 minutes before your workout and have your protein drink right after or no later then a half hour after your workout.
Good Morning,

When doing your sample many sets should I be doing? For intance today is is Chest and bis,how many sets do I do? Also, can I do very low impact cardio or no cardio at all? Thanks Debbie.


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