To eat or not to eat before working out?


Hi. I'm changing my workout time to first thing in the morning - otherwise with my 2 small children it's too hard to guarantee that the workout will happen! I'd like to do your June 2003 Muscle Strength rotation, which of course starts each workout with strength training then most days adds cardio. My question is whether I should eat something prior to my workout and if so, what. I want to fuel my body properly so that I build muscle instead of using it up during/after my workout, but I'm not clear on exactly how to do that. Also, how far in advance of the workout do I need to eat, and what/when should I eat afterwards.

Any help you (or others!) can offer about this is greatly appreciated. I did a search on this topic but didn't really find the info I'm looking for, maybe someone else knows of a particular thread that might be helpful?

Not Cathe, but for what its worth, I workout at 6am 6 days a week and then eat breakfast. I eat nothing before I workout but I do drink water during my workout. I started this about 6 years ago when my kids were 4 and 1 and now they are "trained" that mommy is working out in the basement and they are to play quietly in their beds. They know they can come get me in an emergency. Although it was trial and error for a while what is an emergency.:) Any way- I try to eat immediately after my workout- for me this works.
Hi - I also do not eat anything before I work out. If I am working out in the morning, I wake up, drink a medium sized glass of pulpy orange juice to give me a little energy boost, then work out, then eat about 15-20 minutes after I am finished. Of course, if it was a weight work out, I make sure my meal includes lots of lean protein.
Hi Heather,

Not Cathe, but I'm also a morning exerciser. I've tried to workout out on an empty stomach before but that doesn't work for me. I usually get light-headed midway through the workout and eventually have to have a piece of wholegrain bread or banana half-way through to avoid falling over.

I read that if you eat 2 bananas, it is more than enough to fuel a 1-hour high-intensity workout. I usually have a cup of coffee and a banana or a bowl of cereal with skim milk or oatmeal which usually gets me through the whole workout.

After my shower, I usually have some more fruit or some protein if I've been doing weights. A couple of hard-boiled eggs usually does the trick.

Since you have kids, I would suggest healthy, easy-to-prepare foods. You could boil the eggs while you are eating your cereal and then turn the heat off while you exercise so that they're ready-to-eat post workout.

Hi Heather. I do just as Becky does, otherwise I don't have the energy for my workout, and it's the whole point to get in a great workout?! :)

I eat plain prepared oatmeal with half a banana mashed in, and a tsp. of protein. I also drink 2 cups of coffee. Shortly after that I start my workout and I'm raring to go and get in a darn good workout. I have no problems will seeing my bf% go down when I do things this way. Oh and I also eat right after my workout

You'll have to see how you feel, I think your body will quickly tell you whether you can be an "empty stomach" girl, or a "preworkout meal" girl. They say it doesn't really matter which way you do it, as long it produces a good workout.

Heidi :)
I also workout in the morning. I drink one of my meal repracement shakes 30 minutes before my workout. I feel it is very important to
have good adiquit, but lite nutrition breakfast before you wokout. This way you are for sure to burn calories and fat not muscle. I hope this helps.
Maybe more important than eating before working out is making sure that you eat well the day before the workout (especially having enough good carbs) so you have gycogen stores in the ready.
Hi everyone, thanks for sharing what works for you! I ended up emailing my nutritionist, and she advised me to have a starch and a fruit 30 minutes before the workout. For simplicity and quick digestion, I have some low fat Triscuits with 1/2 cup orange juice, and that has been working very well. My nutritionist also advised me to eat my breakfast immediately after the workout (my breakfast is 2 proteins, 2 starches, a fruit, and a dairy). So far, so good!
i get up at 4:00 a.m. to exercise... i don't eat first... and i have plenty of energy! but i do drink a propel while working out! (i don't like water first thing in the a.m.!)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!

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