To Cathe/SNM regarding video names and their bodyparts


Valerie Majors

I just saw your video covers. But how are we going to know which video works which bodypart.

I mean the title Power Circuit doesn't tell me anywhere that it works the Back. 10-10-10 doesnt' tell me that it works Triceps.

I guess what I am asking is, will there be some identifying mark on the video covers or the words of the bodypart anywhere on it to tell me which video is working which part?
Video Covers

On the back of each video is a picture taken from the muscle conditioning section of that video. Second, each video will have the body part being worked on its' spine. Also, on the spine of each video you will find a letter X-P-R-E-S-S. The videos all fit into the six pack box with their spine facing out. So, when all the videos are in the 6 pack box they will spell Xpress. Above each letter you will find the name of the body part being worked.
Sounds cool!

Okay, I know it doesn't make much of a difference in the quality of the workout, but I'm a sucker for packaging!
I love it when you get a little surprise like that when all the videos are lined up on the shelf!


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