To all the P90X folks THANKS but does this mean no cathe for 90 days :(

Thanks so much Gibbee. YOu are a wealth of information :)

Hmmm... I wonder if enough of us are doing p90x to start a rotation? Nothing is better than the cathe ladies for a check in.

Thanks m - wow I saw your thread on You're amazing! So is that where you post. I'm definetely feeling the need to post somewhere to get encouragement this is going to be TOUGH! M- Do you follow the diet, do the drink. I'm with Sarah I don't know how I could give up those carbs.

Thanks I'm either starting today or tomorrow. Drum roll... (scared!!)
I suppose we could start a check-in here. I just started week 3 today. Tony tries to kill you on push-ups but I'm actually getting better at them - which makes the yoga stretch segments much easier, esp. down dogs into plank push-ups (I skip the push-ups sometimes...)

One of the openings of a workout like on shoulders & arms .... or is it Cardio X.... several down dogs w/ one leg lifted up... After the third time or so my patience starts to wear thin... but as the upper body strength increase, it's not so bad!

I've already purchased both PHH and the Masters Series! I know I'll do another Classic round, but wanted these both BADLY for my break in between, and for eventually when I will inevitably go into some form of maintenance mode here and there. I'm looking forward to trying them out!

>Thanks m - wow I saw your thread on You're
>amazing! So is that where you post. I'm definetely feeling
>the need to post somewhere to get encouragement this is going
>to be TOUGH! M- Do you follow the diet, do the drink. I'm
>with Sarah I don't know how I could give up those carbs.

Yup, I'm following the nutrition guidelines as well, and am VERY glad that I did. Phase I was a bit tough, but once you get the hang of it, it's not that bad - it's more the transition that is tough. And it taught me a lot. Certainly not a way to live full time, but that's not the point. Phase II is MUCH easier, and actually, I like sticking to this ratio as a full-time thing - it works well for me. Now I'm supposedly in Phase III, but I'm closer to Phase II - I add complex carbs when I'm starting to feel as if I need to. That's really why I'm so glad I went through the process - I "get" it, really internally. I can tell when I need a few more carbs by the way I feel now. It's great! It's always been fairly easy for me to "eat clean," but I've learned a lot by following the guide.

Congrats Gibbee - on the pushups. Week 3 that's great :)

Thanks Michelle. You are a wealth of info. I took the plunge started yesterday and I'm trying the diet too.

Wow I was looking at the pics of the camp this summer 2007, I'm so there :) a goal!

Nice to see so many of us are doing P90x.

I'm weak on pushups so it will be easy to be better on that! The bar is very low.

I think I'll post here and
My P90X DVDs are due to arrive this week along with my chin up bar! I am soo excited!! I'm still on the fence about buying the books. I have the rotations and wouldn't follow a nutrition plan.. I just plan to eat clean. You guys have gotten me so psyched about this program. I can't wait to get started!! I'm definitely into doing a check in here with you all if someone wants to start one..
Congrats Deanna on your purchase :) that's excellent.

The books are amazing quality and detail all the workouts maybe you can get it later. For me it's more of a motivation tool but we can have the check-in.

I'm LOVING p90x and Tony :)

I'll start a thread to see if anyone wants to do a check-in I'd love that :)

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