To all Catheites that love football!

Chiming in late:

I love football! I've always loved watching it, but now thanks to my DH's patient tutelage, I actually understand what's happening!

Favorite team: EAGLES!!!! I've been a fan since birth.
Least favorite team: The Cowboys. They were jammed down my throat in the 80s overseas because of all that "America's Team" nonsense. I also want the Giants to lose because I dislike Jeremy Shockey.
Favorite Player(s): McNabb, although he's been in a slump. DUUUUCE! I also admire Emmet Smith, Brett Favre, and Rich Gannon.
Least Favorite Players: Shockey, Terrell Owens, Romanowski, the usual suspects.

DH roots for the Vikings, so I sort of follow them too. It's tough here in Chiefs-Rams-Whoever's Winning territory to even see our games, but someday we'll have NFL Sunday Ticket and picture in picture.
Indeed it was a happy Sunday It is like friday for me Because I work the weekend night shift Midnite to noon sat andsunday So off at noon on SUNday and home to a day of football Corse the Twins were on tooo bad they lost But the Vikes won and so did my Brett as I like to refer to him I wore the jersey I got from my husband for my birhtday last week I guess that will be my new sunday outfit seems to work for green bay Now today is Monday and I am off to my workout going to do lots of cardio and lots of weights I break on the weekend because of my hours but I walk at work alot. Any how Glad our Vikes won the Minnesota sports fans at least can be happy about that Twins will get it next year!
have a good day
Favorite TEAM: Redskins (Since I was 12, and I'm now 44)

Least favorite TEAM(s): Cowboys, Eagles, Giants (division rivals)

Favorite PLAYERS: Patrick Ramsey (what a tough kid), Stephen Davis (too bad he went to Carolina), Donovan McNabb (class act and cute, too), Brad Johnson (another class act).

Least Favorite PLAYER: Jeremy Shockey

My DH is a BIG COWBOYS fan, and we have an interesting time every year. I was in the Redskins band for 21 years, and this is my first season watching games at home. It's definitely harder to see on TV in some ways, but better in others!


I LOVE FOOTBALL!!!!! :) :) :)

FAVORITE TEAMS: St. Louis Rams & Denver Broncos


FAVORITE PLAYERS: Kurt Warner & Clinton Portis

LEAST FAVORITE PLAYER: Tony Horn & Saints' Coach
Hey Terri,

How 'bout those Red Sox!! I'm praying really hard they win tonight. I'm so jealouse, my brother is going to the game tonight in Oakland.

What a great Pats game yesterday. And those idiots on ESPN said the Titans were going to win. Ha!

Another Vikings fan here! Love, love, love Randy Moss and still very fond of Chris Carter.

Absolutely can't stand the Broncos! HATE John glad he retired!
Hey, yet another Vikes fan! Randy Moss is my boy, he's just fun to watch. Plus you know with the seemingly velcro fingers he has that he will catch the ball. Except yesterday's little miss, woops!
I'm am so excited for them this year, they seem to really have a great team!

RE: Go Timberwolves!

Hey Jelly bean! Just thought I would let you know that I have met Kevin Garnett. What a cool guy! I was his waitress a few times at TGI's in St. Louis Park back in the day. Once he was on a date and the crowd at teh bar kept going up to him and asking ofr his autograph. So, I fugured out his dates name and got all the servers to go up and ask her for her autograph. He was almost on the floor he was laughing so hard! Ah, good times, good times!
Favorite Team: 49ers
Least Favorite Team: don't really have a least favorite
Favorite Player: Jerry Rice (and favorite past player Joe Montana)
Least Favorite Player: don't really have a least favorite
Great Thread! I'll play.

Favorite Team: Pittsburgh Steelers, The Denver Broncos are now my second favorite since Elway retired. I was really glad that he finally won a Super Bowl ring.

Least Favorite Team: Dallas Cowboys, too much hype for such a mediocre team

Least Favorite Player: Deon Sanders, I know he is retired but he has an ego problem and needs a major adjustment. No person alone makes a team.
Hi, Huge Pat's fan here!! Husband,kids, and I love to watch as many games as we can. Hoping to go see the Patriots vs. Dallas, should be a fun night game!! Favorite player would be a toss up between Troy Brown and Tom Brady. Not a big Buffalo fan. Dont really have a lest favorite player. Looking forward to Pat's making it to the Superbowl!!:)
Favorite Team: Bucs! I've been rooting for them through the dark years of the creamsicle colored uniforms, Hugh Culverhouse and the strangely effeminate Buccaneer Brucie.

Favorite Player: I like Ronde Barber (love the smile, but the goatee this year has to go), Peyton Manning (though he kicked our butts last night), not a player, but, Coach Gruden (we love Chuckie!). And if my teams gonna get beat by another coach, let it be the class act of Coach Dungy.

Least Favorite Player: Warren Sapp (I've seen him turn down little kids' requests for autographs, rudeness squared!) and any player that fits the description in the ad (I think for ESPN) where the player says there is no I in team, but there is ME! Unfortunately, that describes a lot of them. Least favorite coach: The Tuna. He is sooo obnoxious. Least favorite owner: Tie between Snyder and Jones. I liked the owner of the Rams, though, she seems like she is having fun. Our owner (Glazer) resembles the leprechaun from Lucky Charms. "Always after me Lucky Charms!"

Least Favorite Fans and Team: Sorry Eagles, but your fans are the worst. We have a player named Joe Jurevicius. He lost his first born son last year (the baby was born premature and did not live more than a week). At this years rematch, the Eagles' fans screamed at Jurevicius "Hey, where's your son. Why didn't you bring him to to the game." It was recorded on tape, too. Okay, I know not all Eagles' fans are anything like this, and there sure are rotten fans of the Bucs (I've sat near some of them), but the moment was pretty darned low, mean, stupid and vile.

Favorite College Teams: LSU (go Tigers!) and USF (go Bulls, even though no one has ever heard of them).

Least Favorite College Team: Miami Hurricanes. I was rooting for W. Virginia (probably the only time I will do that) and am looking forward to this weeks game. Edited to add the game is against FSU and both teams are undefeated (like you guys needed me to tell you that!). Its gonna be a good one!
Hi Suzanne!

My fiance is a huge Cowboy fan and he has a good friend from Vermont. This year they are making the trip to see the Cowboys vs Patriots and he is way more than excited!

I hope you make it too!!

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