To all Catheites that love football!


I had posted a couple weeks back about what TV shows people were most looking forward to and was very pleasantly surprised to find so many other women out there who enjoy watching football. In my circle of friends I seem to be the only one. So, my question is who is your favorite team, your least favorite team, and is there a player who you really like and really dislike.

For me:
Favorite team: The New York football Giants. Have loved them since the days when Lawrence Taylor reeked havoc on defense and Phil Simms was quarterback. I've never lived in NY so go figure!
Least favorite team: The San Francisco 49ers. This is tough considering I live just south of San Francisco. It all started when Joe Montana left his first wife when he got really famous for the Schick model in his commercial. Besides, he looks like Barry Manilow (sorry if this offends any Barry fans out there;) ).
Favorite Player: It's a tie because they're twins. LOVE RONDE AND TIKI Barber. I also have a lot of admiration for Brett Favre.
Least Favorite Player: Tie between Jeremy Shockey (and he's on MY team) and Terrell Owens. The first one's a pig (his interview in Maxim made me sick)and the second is way too arrogant for my taste.
I'll chime in here.
My favorite team is the Pittsburgh Steelers. They had the last truly great dynasty, have a super tradition, and they have always had hard-hitting teams so that win, or lose, teams know by how beat up they feel, who they played come Monday morning.
Favorite player: Hines Ward, wide receiver Pittsburgh Steelers. A smashmouth receiver who hits hard and catches everything thrown to him.
Least favorite player: too many to count. Alot of real jackasses play in the NFL.
Least favorite team: Redskins and Cowboys are tied.
Favorite Team: San Francisco 49ers
Least Favorite team: Tie between Pittsburgh Steelers, Green Bay Packers, and Dallas Cowboys. Have never like any of those teams.
Favorite Player: Jerry Rice
Least Favorite Players: Randy Moss and Brett Favre. there are others out there too but those two cross my mind.

MINNESOTA VIKINGS all the way! Purple People Eaters.......

Least Fav: Green Bay Packers (of course, huge rivalry) and the Dallas Cowboys
Favorite Player: Cris Carter (too bad he retired)
Least Fav: Randy Moss (he loves himself way too much) but, I'm glad he's on our team.

RE: Purple Pride and Randy Moss . . .

Marcia - a lot of people confuse me with a Vikings fan because I love wearing the color purple -

Poor Randy failed to get a continuance on that deposition he's scheduled for in the civil suit that's been filed against him for plowing that traffic control agent with his car. Life's rough when you're a football star . . .

RE: Purple Pride and Randy Moss . . .

:D BUFFALO BILLS! Since the day I was born seeing my dad is a big fan! I have seen them numerous times in the DEEP FREEZE! :D Go BILLS!:9
Go Timberwolves!

Kevin Garnett and Wally Szczerbiak. Oh wait, that's basketball. Sorry, I dislike football.
Hi Sabine
I am a VIKINGS fan! But I LOVE Brett Favre and Love to watch him play He is always smilimg No matter what the score or how many interceptions he has thrown. I started watching him many years ago because they would show Green Bay after our Vikings ended and he has this remarkable ability to pull the game out in the last 2 minutes So much Fun to watch I started really enjoying football as my 3 boys got older as they Love to play and watch We also really LOVE basseball My husband and I watch alot GO TWINS!
Good question I Love to read the answers
Sabine - you and I have talked Football before - I'm a huge Buffalo Bills Fan! Hey intensitylisa - Go Bills!!! A disappointing couple of weeks but I'm still feeling good about this season. My favorite player is Drew Bledsoe for obvious reasons, but I also Love Coy Wire. I agree the Barbers are adorable.

Sundays in the fall - what could be better??

Debbie K:D
Years ago I kept up with almost every team. I was SO into football. Now I just stick with the Atlanta Falcons unfortunately. Warrick Dunn and Keith Brookings are my favorite players. I have had season tickets for the Falcons for about 11 years. I think it's kind of sad that the team seems to be waiting to get into the season until Mike Vick is able to come back. I am actually selling my tickets versus the Vikings this week partially because of the Vick "situation." I'm sure I will be the lone Falcons fan!!

Am I the only Cowboys fan here????? }(

I was so glad when Jerry Jones finally got over himself and hired a real coach. Parcells seems to be applying the discipline this team sorely needed. I was kind of sad that they didn't let Emmit retire here. He's not the back he used to be, but I don't blame him entirely for that. He doesn't have the offensive line he used to have.
I LOVE football and subscribe to NFL Sunday ticket. It's a good thing and bad thing. I don't excercise on Sundays or Mondays after work due to football on tv. I guess it's a good thing I am not into college football, otherwise, I'd never leave the house on the weekends.

Beth N.E. Patriots #1 Fan (soon to be married to Buffalo Bills fan)
Well, I can't always explain my reasoning but I do have some pretty strong football feelings becuase I love the game. I have to admit though, I prefer College Football.

Fave team: DALLAS COWBOYS (no tomoatoes, please!!) I live in Dallas and think they're the greatest! But I also like other teams for weird reasons (Browns, Rams, Buccs).

Fave players: Dat Nguyen and anyone who went to Texas A&M!! I think David Carr is a cutie (come on, that's as good a reason as any!) and my new obsession is John Gruden (he's a coach but still one of my faves!)

Least fave players are Terrel Owens (stay off the Star!), Daryl Johnston (Moose), and George Teague - I have personal grudges against the last two - don't get me started!!!!!!!!!

Here's to Sunday AND Saturday football!!!!!!

Edited to add - Lisa, we posted at the same time...we'll have to stick together for the Cowboys!! It'll be interesting to see the game this weekend with Emmitt!
I love football, but I also prefer College Football - especially the SEC. DH & I will spend tomorrow afternoon and evening watching the games.

~Sissy B

DH likes the Dallas Cowboys.

I cannot believe how much we have in common based on a 4 line post.

Favorite team: Vikes of course!!
Least fav: Green Bay or course!! But the Atlanta Falcons are high on the list since the beat one of the best teams ever in the NFL in the NFC championship game which was the first game I ever went to and left crying. (sorry hate to bring that year up).
Used to be least Fav: Randy Moss!! He has matured a bit as well and Daunte's playing!!
Favorite player: Chris Carter of coarse!!! The biggest self-proclaimed Chris Carter fan. Wish a ton he would have gotten a super bowl ring.
Least favorite coach: Denny Green. Can't really believe how things fell apart under him in the last few years he was coach.

Lisa - Your post is exactly how I have felt about Favre. He is incredible but I don't think he has had a solid team for awhile. Phenomenal player. I remember back in 97 or so (I think the year the Patriots won the SB) just realizing how good he was.

I absolutely love this post!!!! Tomorrow it is a solid 6 hours of football for me at least. Watch for Denver to win the Chiefs, Vikes to win at Atlanta and hopefully play each other undefeated and Vikes win!!!

Happy Sunday, Winter
Its sooo cool to see other football fans here, most of my friends think Im nuts!!

Fav team; Broncos
Least fav; Raiders
Fav player--Emmitt Smith, I think he is just a class act...they just dont come much better than him!

I really enjoy college football too--GO OU !!

I was at a mall a couple of weeks ago, and saw a sweatshirt with "REAL WOMEN LOVE FOOTBALL" embroidered on it--I thought that was great, so I went home and made myself one (I own an emb. shop)--I get some pretty weird looks when I where it, but OH WELL!

Have a great weekend
Yay! Girls that like football! My girlfriends are so bored with the sport, and I adore it. Grew up in Colorado, so you can only guess who my team is!! Go Bronco's!! I live in Arizona now, so it is very strange to see Jake the snake in Colorado. Bethmeira, hubby and I have direct t.v. nfl. package too. We don't even get out of our pj's til after 5:00 on a sunday.....what a great sport!!!:7
Oh, I love sports in general! Everything except soccer!
My poor Red Sox are on the brink of elimination! x(

Okay, back to the topic of football:
Fave football team: "YOUR NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!"
Least Fave team/players/coaches: Steelers! There are no words to desribe how much I can't stand Bill Cowher!
And I really can't stand Drew Bledsoe either, even when he was a Patriot! Blah! Big ole lump on the offensive line!

I take sports WAY too seriously!!! }( x( }( :7


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