To all Catheites and their families in So Cal

Christine...I was just looking at the pictures...WOW! My thoughts and prayers to all of these people in the fire areas...Yes, let's hope the winds die down.
Hi everyone,

Please keep sending your thoughts and prayers our way! Things are really scary here in San Diego right now. Most of the major freeways have been closed off. Some of our family members have evacuated to our house, and we're hoping that things will get better!

Yes, prayers to all of you in the SD area. Lorrayne is in SD also. She is busy packing up her stuff just in case! How scary for you all! Many thoughts & prayers coming your way.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
OMG. We drove back from San Diego yesterday, there was semi-trucks and motorcyles lined up on the highways, not moving. The winds were horrible, just plain scary. I saw one semi overturned.
My thoughts and prayers are with the folks in Malibu (I have a business associate that lives there) and to all that are in the line of these horrific fires.
To reiterate the above sentiments, yes, please send prayers our way. The fires are out of control and conditions are worsening by the hour due to the high winds.

My office is closed today along with hundreds of other businesses in order to keep the freeways clear for the mandatory evacuations that are taking place.

There have been heartbreaking images of homes burning, animals being rescued (some of them burned...which was hard to see), and people crowding into shelters around the county.

The air quality levels have been deamed unhealthy in many areas which poses a huge threat to those with respitory problems.

Fortunately, San Diegans are incredibly generous and many, many people have opened up their businesses, homes, and shelters for animal rescue. Among the chaos and trajedy, there is heroism and bravery and kindness.

We can only hope that the fires will be contained soon. :-(
I was just talking to my neighbors. They were on their way to get their gas tanks filled in the event we're evacuated. That's a good idea and I'm going to do this, too. Off to pack in the event I have to evacuate.

My thoughts and prayers are out to my fellow So Californians impacted by this horrible fire.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all too.

For me, in Arizona, these winds are just dang ANNOYING. It woke us up Sat night..we thought there was a tornado outside or something! We can't wait for it to GO AWAY so I can't imagine what it is like there! Here it is just blowing dust...and more dust....and more dust....
Please keep the thoughts and prayers comming!! Thanks!!

The air here is horrible, there was ash all over my SUV when I went outside this morning.You can imagine if there is ash in the air what we are breathing when we go outside. We are only going outside if we have to. My eyes were irritated from being outside just for a little while to run quick errands, but the dogs still have to go outside. Schools are closed. The trash man just came to pick up our weekly trash and he is wearing a mask. Mask, I need some of these!! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers!!!
Thank you for your prayers, please keep them coming. I live about 20 minutes from one of the big fires they have been trying to put out since early this morning. Please pray for rain and for the winds to die down in SoCal. The winds are just blowing like crazy since last night and it just adds fuel to the raging fires all over SoCal. I'm trying to keep my cool with my 2 kids at home. My husband is in the Marine Corps and drove through a wall of thick smoke early this morning to get to work. Over 250,000 people have been evacuated and so many people have lost their homes.
My thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by this. I hope you all stay safe.


~Straighten out, fly right~

Cathe Friedrich
Thank you for that link to Craigslist. I may need to use this.

My neighbors and I are going to have a "stay up all night" party in the event we need to evacuate.
Hi all,

Yes, please keep sending your positive thoughts our way! As Nenita mentioned, over 250,000 people have been evacuated in San Diego County. There are seven fires going on in the county, and most of the major areas are surrounded. We're hoping that the Santa Ana winds die down so that they can get more planes in the air!

If any of you need a place to stay and don't mind driving to the Bay Area, you're welcome at my house. The air is clear here. Email me. God bless! Are the winds to die down tonight?
Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts. It is very nerve wracking here. My DH is out of town and that makes it just a little worse. My sister is here, and we, like Lorrayne, are having a "stay up all night party." We seem to be safe for now, but with this wind whipping the embers everyone, it is incredibly frightening.

Thanks again.
I am in Valencia down the road from the Stevenson's Ranch fire that started at Magic Mountain is so weird to see the flames all around us at night, and these winds are crazy....we just moved here 6 weeks ago from georgia, and this is pretty crazy!!! san diego has it even worse than we do here, but there are such widespread sporadic fires popping up that you never know where a new one will start....thanks for the thoughts from all around!!!
Hi Bekki,

Yes, it was scary last night. Didn't get much sleep and I spent the night on my couch with my phone next to me. My car was packed mostly with kitty items.

Hope you are safe. Thank goodness your sister was with you.

Wishing everyone is safe and your homes spared.


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