Waves hi to Robin!
Waves to Lorie...Yep, tomorrow is the big day-"hip-hip hooray!":7
I do the pre-admit today, and my surgery is tomorrow am sometime, they let me know tonight when to come in.
I have done my homework-got the toilet risers, the bills paid, the dog is groomed, the DH has been warned about my potentially very hairy legs...you cannot shave for awhile, the lovely "white thigh high" compression stockings I will be sporting, and how he cannot touch me for 6 weeks-uh why would he want to? (wink) It's all good in the end though.
I had my nails and toes done, my roots are done, hey I am gonna look good on that operating table! Actually they tell you to do all this stuff beforehand, as it might be quite some time before I feel like schlepping to the salon. Can you tell I am nervous? Oh boy.I am praying for really good drugs.
Thanks for remembering, that was super sweet. Will be back in a few weeks or so.....