TLT question


Hi everyone, I just have a quick question, I am one of those people that unless I am pouring sweat during my workout I don't feel like I accomplished anything, Will the TLTs make me sweat? I don't mean to sound gross, but as fellow exercisers I knew you would understand! Thanks in advance, Kim
I can so relate. The TLT's won't have you sweatin buckets...but you could always do a run after. They are good fitness workouts so don't discount them just because they aren't hardcore cardio. Evaluate them on their own merit.:D :D :D
Hi kim,

Just in my opinion, it depends. I am a fitness instructor/personal trainer, and I love Cathe's workouts, I used to love the firm before they changed and once I tried Cathe I was hooked and have not found videos/dvds that come close (make me sweat). I thought the TLT's (I have all four) have some really unique moves and use the stability ball and medicine ball in new ways, and Tracie uses rags to do some moves which were different and fun. As far as getting a Cathe sweaty style workout, it just wasn't there for me. I appreciated some of the moves and maybe will incorporate them into my classes in my own way, but I probably will not use these in my rotation when I really want to get a great workout. Fun and nice for days when you don't feel like pushing it. I say get them if you are bored and want variety just don't expect imax3 or anything. I do have to say the abs were quite tough. Good luck on your decision.

The TLT's make me sweat, more than I thought I would from viewing them. They don't feel as intense as a Cathe workout, for example, but they use very large ROM movements (and intensity = weight moved x distance moved, so although the weights are lighter, the longer distances make up for it).
I'm really getting intrigued from reading about these workouts. I'll be adding new DVD's to my collection soon and was wondering which one(s) of these to possibly add. I didn't see any discounts if you order all 4. Could you rate them in the order of your preference? Thanks. Bam
It is so hard to rate these in order of preference b/c everyone's preference will be different. Right now I THINK EFM and BBBB are my favorites b/c I think they are tougher than FYC but I just did FYC and I love it. I broke a sweat but not the same type of workout at all as Cathe. Every time I do a TLT the one I just finished is my new favorite. Tonight my order of preference is (most preferable to least preferable...using least lightly here):
I'm finding myself refreshed and when I do a Cathe workout I'm in a better frame of mind to bring it (I think I was starting to burn myself out by pushing myself too hard all the time). When I don't feel like working out I don't have to talk myself into a TLT. They are difficult without a dread factor at all. I just feel great after a TLT workout. Right now I want to do them all the time but I do make myself do other workouts. I know...TMI from me about TLT again. Sorry....:)
P.S. At least I have something to keep me busy while our Cathe mends! She is still my all time fave!

Edited to say that you may not want these Kim if you are looking for a constant all out sweat although I do sweat a lot (not as much with FYC).
Angela, one can NEVER give too much info about any workout, lol. Thanks for your preferences. I'm not looking to work up a sweat with these but I do want to utilize my muscles in different ways and have that wonderful DOMS that I've been missing. I think BBBB will be a definite and then I keep vacillating between EFM and SIM. I'm kind of leaning toward SIM perhaps because of the muscular work. The link you provided for the descriptions were great. I wonder why they don't give you a deal if you purchase all 4. Their marketing team should look into this. Thanks again!

I used to feel that way - that you have to sweat a lot to get a good workout. You WILL sweat using the med balls (maybe not pouring sweat), and will probably be sore the next day. I'm referring to the BBBB one in particular. Please give them a chance because that type of workout has made the biggest difference in my lower body, especially the inner thigh area.
Just Do It! :)
Thanks honeybunch. I've got major inner thigh issues along with the outer thigh. I'm looking forward to finding a workout that hits these areas in a different way. It sounds like I'm headed in the right direction! :7

So Angela,

Would you say that EFM is your favorite one of the TLT's now? HA- HA! I do not know what it is about these workouts - but I have gone back and forth so many times in trying to figure out which one I like best it isn't even funny.

BBBB was my favorite for awhile, then it was FYC, then and maybe even now it is EFM - but I have been doing SIM a little more lately and I seem to like that one more than I did at first.

EFM just amazes me considering Tracy uses only the Stability Ball and the rags with that one and it is still challenging. I love the one legged deadlifts and good mornings. I am doing that one tomorrow morning - I always get a chuckle out of the rag one - where she does the one arm push up and then pushes the rag out forward - by then I am really sweating and I am also thinking I should be scrubbing my floor.

Another one on that DVD is the push ups while holding weights and then the side planks bringing the weights up - WOW!! What about the mountain climbers with the rags? YOWZEE! Especially with the double leg ones - everytime I do that I am amazed.

I guess I just love these workouts!

Hey Cheryl,
I didn't think I had a favorite TLT, but now that you mention it, EFM DOES seem to be one I talk about a lot! This whole workout amazes me b/c I'm always so shocked at how much I'm sweating and how hard I'm working without feeling totally drained. The mountain climbers are killer. What I'm finding out about the TLT's is that I work hard during the workouts but I'm usually not sore at all after them. I do have one negative now that I've done them for a few weeks I'm noticing a loss of um...cleavage since doing mostly TLT's so I will be figuring out how to add in heavier upper body work ASAP! The TLT's are helping me in my Cathe workouts b/c I'm engaging my core and butt muscles more helping my quads not work so hard...I felt "lighter" during Imax 3 yesterday...I'm not lighter, I just felt lighter! I'm really having a blast withe these also! Are you part of a check in at Tracie's site?

I didn't know there was a check in sight at the TLT's site. The only site I go to is this one. Maybe I will check it out.

I haven't noticed the cleavage thing yet - but I do get my upper body work outs in twice a week - so I hope that won't be an issue.

Since I did EFM again this morning - I did that one three times last week - I can still say that it is my favorite. I know I work up a good sweat, but I don't feel too drained when I am done either.

Are you part of TLT's check in? If so what is it like?

Hi guys. Christi posted a Cathe/TLT rotation some time ago and a few of us post to the check-in regularly now. I've begun a P90X rotation so I guess I've contaminated the thread, but it's a nice mix incorporating the TLTs - which I love.

I check in over at the March thread on Tracie's site. Everyone does a mix of workouts and it's really nice. Come check us out. It's not TLT exclusive. I will be trying to incorporate more Cathe weight work into my rotation. I'm still sore from my Pyramid workout(did standing of upper and lower alternating one entire lower body pyramid with one entire upper body pyramid) Tuesday so I'm not sure what I will be reaching for today.
Now I'm probably going to really confuse you because I LOVE FYC. I just got the workouts last week. I've only done EFM and SIM so far then today FYC and I absolutely loved it. Jury is still out on SIM and EFM. I'll have to wait and see on BBBB, I do that in a couple days. These workouts are difficult if you do the moves right. I really ever get sore but after doing SIM my butt was sore and after doing fyc my core is feeling it. YOu really have to engage your muscles, brace your core and feel the work. NOt every move is going to kill you, just like some of cathe's moves don't kill you. They are advanced workouts tho. They are a completely different type of weight training workout because you are ALWAYS moving, there are very few breaks and you usually work at least two things at one time. It's hard to explain. You really have to focus, don't go too heavy. I mixed up a rotation with cathe/turbo jam/yoga/pullups and the tlt's for the next month. I only added in a couple of cathe weight workouts, so we'll see what happens.

I do wish I had the cleavage problem tho.

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