Tired all the time

ss's girl

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has gone through a phase of always being tired. This started about 4 months ago for me. I am 47, about 20 puond overweight which I put on over the last year. My eating habits were bad but I am now doing WW and starting a CTX routine.

I work out in the AM and feel great for about 3 hours and then while at work I can literally fall asleep at my desk. I have been taking little cat naps. I get 7 hours of sleep i night on weekdays and about 8 on weekends.

Any thoughts would be appreacited.

Hi Debbi!

You didn't mention whether you had already seen your doctor regarding your sleepiness. If not, a physical would be the best place to start to make sure everything is in order physically.

I am always tired too, but rarely do I feel I could fall asleep at my desk. I'm 38 with four children and work a full-time stressful IT job.

Check out the July 2004 issue of Prevention. There is an article called "Why you can't sleep (its not what you think)". It is a very interesting article with good information.

Good luck & hope this helps!
When I worked out in the morning the same thing would happen to me at work. When I sat at my desk or did computer work, I would zonk. Then I figured out my job was kinda boring. ;( As long as I kept moving, I was fine. When I began working out in the evening (sometimes 9 p.m.), I was less tired in the morning.
I was thinking about this for myself! When I work out in morning and then have a busy teaching day, I sleep very well. If I work out in the morning but have a clear day (as in the summer) I am dragging around the rest of the day. I am trying to think of strategies to work this out. I like working out in the morning because I am not sure I will get it in later in the day, though to think of it, the few times I worked out in the early evening - I slept very well.
Who knows!:)
Hi Debbie,

This happened to me after I had my 3rd child. I also work out in the morning and by afternoon I was dragging. I was so tired, no energy and by the time I got home from work I was spent for the day. Not easy to work, take care of kids, hubby and house when so tired. I saw my doctor and after several blood tests it was discovered that I had hypothyroidism. This is a type of thyroid disease that has many symptoms including being extremely tired, cold, heavy menstrual cycles, weight gain. I have been on 200 mcg of Levothroid for almost 8 years now and that seems to help a lot.

You should see your doctor to rule out any possible medical problems. If you are anemic, that could also make you very tired. If you do not have any medical problems there are supplements that claim to increase your energy levels such as bee pollen and b vitamins.

Hope you start feeling better soon.

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