Timing of Recovery Week


Hello All!

This my first post here on the Cathe forums - I'm thrilled to be here. I have asked for the STS program for Mothers Day and absolutely can't wait to start it.

I just have a few quick questions about the recovery week. I believe it is week 5 of the program - correct? I am hoping to coincide that recovery week with when we are on vacation.

The only glitch is - we go on vacation for 2 weeks.

My question is - should I make the effort to pickup week 6 during my 2nd week on vacation (I could possibly bring weights - we'll be renting a house) OR would it be okay to fill that 2nd week with cardio and body-weight training - and just continue with week 6 when I get home?

Thanks for any advice you can give! :)


That is a great idea about spending the time leading up to vacation calculating my 1RMs. Hey, has anybody turned the process of creating 1RMs into an official workout routine to follow? That' be a nice sure-fire way to get it done.

Another small concern I had about starting STS is that I think I will miss my existing Cathe workouts (my favorite are all the Gym Style ones). I'm guessing it is a worthy trade off though?

Ah…pushups - like many others I'm sure - my least favorite! I'm hoping the drop sets in GS Chest & Triceps have prepared me somewhat for those in Meso 1. Maybe? :)

Thanks for your help!

Hi Again!

Happy me. I go the STS program this week (and I didn't even have to wait for Mother's Day - it was an anniversary gift from my husband!).

I started calculating my 1RM's and I am actually enjoying it! I printed out the entire list of exercises and going through it by body part (today was biceps).

I had my iPad with me with the Workout Manager loaded. The sample exercise videos are great! I follow along with the few seconds of the video to get my form right and then just keep counting after the video stopped.

There is a lot of weight changing for sure and it takes some time but it's fun to see what ends up being my 1RM.

Carolyn, that's kind of my goal as well - to look "ripped" without flexing. LOL!

My only issue now is the timing with my vacation. I just calculated that if I start on May 21 (10 days from now) I'll be heading on vacation at the beginning of week 10 (the rest week after Meso 2 - perfect). I just have to figure out how to handle the first week of Meso 3 (when I'll still be on vacation.) As you can imagine I don't want to wait 3 months to start this thing! :)

Looking forward to the journey!

-Dawn :D
Hi Dawn,

Congrats on getting STS!

I'm over in the STS First Time thread, but wanted to chime in about vacation breaks. I just experienced one myself. I finished as far as the 2nd week of Meso 3, went on vacation for 2 weeks with no workouts (just a ton of walking), came back, and just re-started Meso 3 again today, essentially to be repeating weeks 1 and 2. So that's another way you can do it. It'd be tough to work out on vacation, plus with the 50 lb weight limitation on luggage, you want to save the space for your essentials!:D Just my .02.

Look forward to chatting with you in the other thread. We're east coast neighbors of sorts (I'm in MA, as is Maryk; Carolyn is in southern NH, Jean is in MD, Missy is in GA), and we got a couple of great gals in the central US (Marie in MN and Colleen in WI). We seem to be the core regulars.

Hi Betty,

Oh, that's a great idea about repeating the weeks! Even though we don't fly (we go to Cape Cod) I guess it really isn't practical to haul that much weight there. Plus I could totally see bringing it all there and then for some reason not doing it!

I just re-read my first post in this thread and I mention that I already got STS. Then I say in another thread that I just got it on sale today! I did indeed receive it for my anniversary but returned it because my husband paid full price on Amazon for it. I doubt anybody noticed the inconsistency in what I was saying - but just in case you thought I was a loon - I thought I'd clear that up. Gotta make a good first impression. :)

Anyway, thanks again for the advice Betty on the vacation week plan! Looking forward to hanging out in the other thread.


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