No workout for me today. I am beat! My son had a friend spend the night & it was close to midnight before they fell asleep. Then we got up at the crack of dawn & went to early church service. Then we went shopping until about 4pm. I just now got dinner in the oven & it's 5pm. I am beat!!!! I'll have to take the day off. TS#4 will have to wait until Tuesday now.
I am such a slacker...
BTW, we're buying our 9 year old a PlayStation 2 this Christmas. I was anti-video games for many years. We have the original Nintendo we got as a hand-me-down last Christmas. That's worked well for him. It's a powerful tool for me as a mom. For example, No games until chores are done, no games if you don't do well on your spelling test,etcetra. It was worked wonders, as my son has learned that it's a privledge to use it, not a right.
Briee, I can't believe you have a 20 year old! You've been giving birth for over 20 years?!?! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!
Baby boy due 1/25/04
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
BTW, we're buying our 9 year old a PlayStation 2 this Christmas. I was anti-video games for many years. We have the original Nintendo we got as a hand-me-down last Christmas. That's worked well for him. It's a powerful tool for me as a mom. For example, No games until chores are done, no games if you don't do well on your spelling test,etcetra. It was worked wonders, as my son has learned that it's a privledge to use it, not a right.
Briee, I can't believe you have a 20 year old! You've been giving birth for over 20 years?!?! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!
Baby boy due 1/25/04
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"