Timesaver Workout #1

No workout for me today. I am beat! My son had a friend spend the night & it was close to midnight before they fell asleep. Then we got up at the crack of dawn & went to early church service. Then we went shopping until about 4pm. I just now got dinner in the oven & it's 5pm. I am beat!!!! I'll have to take the day off. TS#4 will have to wait until Tuesday now. :( I am such a slacker...

BTW, we're buying our 9 year old a PlayStation 2 this Christmas. I was anti-video games for many years. We have the original Nintendo we got as a hand-me-down last Christmas. That's worked well for him. It's a powerful tool for me as a mom. For example, No games until chores are done, no games if you don't do well on your spelling test,etcetra. It was worked wonders, as my son has learned that it's a privledge to use it, not a right.

Briee, I can't believe you have a 20 year old! You've been giving birth for over 20 years?!?! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Oh No Melanie...I don't have a 20 year old, maybe you were reading Lisa's post up above. Our oldest just turned 13, then we have 10, 8, 5, and 20 months. I'm 38 right now. AND you are NOT a slacker!!!! Can't believe you said that. I did Time saver #4 today, but did not make it through the whole tape, the DVD blipped out right after the kickbox stuff and I had to do my own shoulder work, bummer. I will say this.....kickbox is VERY much core work....if the baby wasn't engaged before.....he/she is now!! I felt like he was turning in circles and wedging against my bone when I was doing the torso twists!! And those bob and weaves just seem to cement him into that low pelvic area even more.....thanks Cathe!!


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