Timesaver DVD questions?


I have very limited time, as I have 4 kids ages 4.5, 3.5 and 10.5 month old twins. I have recently started getting up at 5:15 am which gives me roughly 30-40 minutes to work out before someone wakes up. Sometimes I work out in the evening but I am really too tired then after watching the kids all day! I either run outside, or do free weights. I have several of Cathe's DVD's including CTX. But I am looking to shake things up a bit and wondered about this timesaver DVD. I have not been doing my Cathe workouts because of the time factor. I have promised myself if I get up at 5:15a and work out 5x per week over the next 2 weeks, I will buy myslef a new Cathe DVD. Do you think the timsaver DVD will be a good change for me, if I use those workouts one week to take a break from running and my free weight routine?

And I thought exercise with 3 kids was challenging! I'm wondering about the Timesaver DVD, too. When I had babies, I got up at 5:00, but now that my youngest is 3, I don't get up until 6:00. I still have limited time some mornings, however. Summer's coming, but during the school year I have to be done in time to get the kids ready for school. And someone always seems to wake up early.
I want a new DVD for my birthday, and was really wondering about the Timesaver. Everyone's comments would be most welcome!


The Timesaver is great! You have four workouts that are cardio (a wonderful sampling of step, hi/lo, and kickboxing from BodyBlast series) plus an assortment of upper body and core work, and the fifth workout is almost as complete as Leg and Glutes plus ab work. The workouts range from 38-48 minutes. They are chaptered well and have the "blender" feature so you can make your own routines. It's very versatile. If you don't have any of the other BodyBlasts, and you are limited to only getting one DVD for now, I think this is perfect for you.


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