Times for PUB & PLB


What I'm looking for is how long PUB (pyramid up & then pyramid down) & PLB (up & down) are. I'm only doing the up or down of each per workout session and I keep forgetting to time the workout. Since I'm trying to get this in during naptime I need to know the breakdown. I figured someone on here would know or at least know where to direct me.

Is this what you wanted Sue?

PUB Pyramid Up: (39:42)

warmup (3:28)

upper body (22:31)
abs (7:54)

stretch (4:12)

This workout is title 8. Here are the chapter numbers:

8.1) warmup (3:28)
3-5) chest sets 1-3 (3:46)
8-10) back sets 1-3 (4:45)
13-15) shoulders sets 1-3 (4:55)
18-20) triceps sets 1-3 (4:07)
23-25) biceps sets 1-3 (5:03)
27) abs (7:54)
28) stretch (4:12)

PUB Pyramid Down: (41:03)

warmup (3:28)

upper body (25:24)

abs (7:54)

stretch (4:12)

This workout is title 9. Here are the chapter numbers:

1) warmup (3:28)
3-5) chest sets 3-5 (4:49)
6) chest stretch
8-10) back sets 3-5 (4:49)
11) back stretch
13-15) shoulder sets 3-5 (4:58)
16) shoulder stretch
18-20) triceps sets 3-5 (3:56)
21) tricep stretch
23-25) biceps sets 3-5 (5:01)
26) bicep stretch
28) abs (7:54)
29) stretch (4:12)

More Pyramid Lower Body Chapters
PLB Pyramid Up: (39:36)
warmup (4:26)
standing leg work (18:20)
floor leg work (12:43)
stretch (4:07)
This workout is title 4. Here are the chapter numbers:
1) warmup (4:26)
3-5) leg press sets 1-3 (3:42)
8-10) lunges sets 1-3 (3:56)
13-15) squats/plie squats sets 1-3 (3:38)
18-20) deadlifts sets 1-3 (3:08)
22) calves + brief stretch (3:57)
24-27) floor leg work (12:43)
28) stretch (4:07)
PLB Pyramid Down: (38:57)
warmup (4:26)
standing leg work (21:05)
floor leg work (12:32)
stretch (4:07)
This workout is title 3. Here are the chapter numbers:
1) warmup (4:26)
3-6) leg press sets 3-5 (3:31)
8-11) lunges sets 3-5 (3:30)
13-16) squats/plie squats sets 3-5 (3:18)
18-21) deadlifts (2:58)
23) calves + brief stretch (3:52)
25-28) floor work with the stability ball (12:32)
29) stretch (4:07)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Is this what you wanted Sue?

Hey Debbie,

That was super useful. I have been setting up the workouts in some new software I bought and going through each workout to get just that info. You saved me a pile of time!

So is the time beside each one the time for that particular exercise?
I assume so but just wanted to check.

Thanks again!


Punky and Sue!

Punky~Yes, that is the time for that specific section. Sue~You're very welcome. If you want to know the breakdown of each workout, go to the top of the page and click on "DVD's". Find the workout you want and then, click on "Tell Me More". You will find all the breakdown in DVD format, but it would be the exact breakdown for VHS tapes also. SNM did all the work for us!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Punky and Sue!

Well whatdya know! Thanks for showing me how to access that info. for the next one that I happen to be looking for!

RE: Punky and Sue!

Wow - they must have fixed it up quite a bit since the last time I looked there. I remember there just being chapters, but no times.

Excellent info! Thanks for the tip!

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