Time off of cardio?


New Member
Hi, I was hoping Cathe could answer this or anyone with an inkling as to what I should do. I only do the cardio section of Wedding tape, but I do this about 5-6 days per week. Last week I did Wedding tape and then later in the day did K.A.'s Fitness Formula. I did these two days in a row like that. Well, I now have some lower back pain that only gets worse when I do the Wedding tape. My question is: Is it recommended to take a week off with cardio conditioning only, or is this recommendation for people who work out with weights? I know I need at least a couple of days off to rest my back, as I took yesterday off and my back was much better. But when I resumed today, it is acting up again. Sorry so long, but I was wondering if I should just take a full week off. I am making such great progress with my weight loss finally and I hate to interrupt that, but I also realize that I don't want to further injure myself to the point of not being able to do anything at all.

Thanks for any responses,

lower back pain-cardio

Hi, Machelle. My advice is to start a Pilates "core conditioning program", such as Moira Stott's Essential Mat Work. Any ab conditioning you do will help your lower back. Cathe's PS series on abs are good, too, but you need a place to start. Rather than stop your cardio for a week altogether, I'd add some long stretches and beginner yoga, (if you're not already into yoga) AND KEEP THE CARDIO AS LOW IMPACT as possible until you feel good again.
Try something else

I too hurt my back a few weeks ago (picked up that barbell without bending my knees enough!) and I had to take it easy for a few days. I was barely able to walk the next day, but then I found that I could speed walk around the neighborhood for a couple of days until my back felt better. I would absolutely take it easy, whatever you need to do to heal the back, otherwise, you will not be able to effectively work out. Maybe you could just do the beginner step portion (on Kathy Kaeler's tape)for a couple days if your back allows it. i don't think it's very intense and at least it would keep you moving until you heal. Maybe bike riding - anything that won't strain it. Good luck!

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