Time flies


It's DS 7th birthday today and our 9th wedding anniversary next week. How time flies. It feels like forever and yesterday at the same time. I'm not normally a sentimental mush pot but I was shoe shopping with DS yesterday and he was holding my hand in the busy parking lot, and I thought, "soon enough, it will be uncool to hold mom's hand." Sniff. Goodness knows I can't stand babies and I prefer older kids who are more self sufficient, but he was such a cute pudgy little butterball when he was a baby. Now he's 7, which is "big kid" age. Sigh. I see pics of DH when he was a kid and DS looks just like him. Time waits for no mom, right??

I was just thinking about this myself a few minutes ago! I was teary-eyed, holding my DS - almost 7 in May. I was holding him like a baby, wishing he didn't have to grow up so soon. I completely understand how you feel!

"Time waits for no mom" ~ I love that you said this!! I'm totally stealing that line. I am, inherently, a sentimental mush pot and feel the bittersweet lovliness of watching my 3 daughters grow and change with every turn. They are now 13, 17 and 18. Now as much as at any stage I wish I could make 'time wait' while I drink in their enthusiasm, humour, fresh wisdom and physical beauty. My 18 year old has been accepted at 3 Universities so we will start touring and choosing in March then she's off to Australia for an extended stay. I am thrilled beyond words at the world of possibilities opening up to her but selfishly sad that she will leave the family circle, spread her wings and fly from our happy nest. I would have happily let her go when she was miserable to be around at 15 and 16 but now she's a joy.;-) :+ Cherish them every step of the way, even when they are driving you batty, that their time in our care is finite is all to apparent to me now.

Take Care
You'are not kidding that "time flies". My baby will be 21 next month. I can't even tell you where the years have gone. Of course this just means that she has gotten older, not me.LOL.


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