Time Change Darkness w/2 year olds?


I am already pulling out my hair trying to do things inside since the time change. I have 2 year old twins and I do not know what to do with them for 3-4 hours when it gets dark. They have watch more tv these past 2 days than in the past month ;0

What do you moms do with your toddlers in the dark days?

I just remember happily putting them to bed early!!! LOL

Now that my girls are 8 and 9, I'm sad at how fast the time goes after school! Get home, do homework, eat dinner, play a little, dessert and before you know it, it's bedtime. Once kids are old enough to play games, snuggle with you and a movie, read together ... there's no time to do it..
After dinner, pull out the kitchen/dining room chairs and some blankets and build a fort, play play-doh, play legos (I cant remember what the big ones for little kids are called), get a start on Christmas goodie baking (things that freeze well), have them help sort grocery coupons and make a grocery list (can be educational), make up and tell stories, color in coloring books, sort laundry (match the socks), have a tea party for the stuffed animals, take pets(?) for a dark walk, you'll be able to walk and look at Christmas lights shortly, our mall has an indoor play area for kids (not sure how clean it is, though, mine's too old for it), draw pictures, get some bathtub crayons and let them hang out in the tub for a while, make Christmas lists, make paper turkeys and pilgrims to decorate the house, have a pillow fight, give the dog (?) or cat (?) a bath, play dress up, make crafts, paint pictures, dust the living room (you do high, they do low), pick out clothes for tomorrow (whatever they pick out, you have to wear, regardless of the occasion), plant seeds and place them on the windowsill, measure nightly once they start to grow, sing songs to the plants to make them grow, play a board game, turn on some tunes and dance, take them to a friend/relative one night a week so you each get a day off, put them to bed early:):):)

Thats all I've got!

Ooooh, I loved those times. The things my DD loved doing were baking, making playdough (I have a recipe for clay that you make that you can then bake and paint), any kind of crafts, obstacle courses (things they have to jump over, climb through, etc.), tea parties, I got her one of those $20 tents from Ikea and she could spend hours playing in that thing! We would watch maybe 20 minutes of a movie (we don't have TV), Simon Says, a game we made up with a balloon where you had to keep it off the floor....

Hope that helped a bit.

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