Time away


New Member

I know that you recently took a break (forced) from working out after having the baby. I am taking my 6 year old son to Europe for a 15 day vacation next month and need some advice. Currently, I work out at least 6 days a week, pretty vigorously. I alternate cardio (all of your tapes, studio cycle classes, and swimming, as well as weight training.)

I will not be able to work out at all when I am away, and am concerned about losing muscle tone after 15 days without weights. Although I will be busy walking, I won't be able to do any weight training.

Can you tell me how much this will set me back? I have heard that you lose muscle after 3 consecutive days of not working out. I hate to waste all of my hard work and set the clocks back to zero. Also, how do return to my work-outs? Can you give me some suggestions about how you returned after your pregnancy? I've read what you are currently doing, but am more interested in those first few days and weeks....

Thanks for your help!
Hi! Speaking from my own experiences, I think you will be pleasantly surprised to find out how much stronger you will be when you return from your trip. I have taken this amount of time off in the past and when I returned to lifting, my muscles were soooo strong and boy did they get a great pump. A long rest is a good thing once in a while.

Have a wonderful trip!

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