Tighten Loose Flab with Workouts?


I just recently lost 15 pounds and 2 dress sizes by working out with aerobics and weight workouts, 5 - 6 days per week. I have been very careful with my diet 6 days per week and allowing 1 treat day per week.

I'm very happy with what I have achieved and I don't need to loose any more weight, as I am 5'4" and now 115 pounds.

But what I would really like to focus on now is 'toning'. Should I focus more on lifting weights, heavy or light? Or Should I increase aerobics to burn more flab?

I do aerobics 5-6 days per week, duration as little as 30 minutes as long as 60 minutes. I do weights 3 x per week, duration 20-25 minutes, endurance type lifting. I do stretching 2 x per week, duration 20 minutes.

Most of my workouts are Cathe's the odd time I might do a different step workout, such as Christi Taylor.

One thing about the diet, should I cut the treat day out? What should I focus on in my diet? (Can Cathe help here? Just a little?).

I would love to hear from Cathe if possible for her suggestions on getting tighter. Or from others who have been successful in tightening the flab.

Thanks for your suggestions in advance,
Hi Olivia,

Since you said you would like to hear from others, I'll go ahead & respond.

First, congrats on the weight loss. 15 lbs is nothing to sneeze at!

You will only "tone up" with continued exercise. I would suggest to continue lifting heavy. That will help you to gain muscle which will provide you with the tone you are looking for. I would also decrease the cardio to no more than 3 days a week. The duration you are currently using looks good to me. I tend to keep my cardio shorter--30 to 40 minutes, 2 or 3 days a week. No more than that.

If you are concerned about not loosing any more weight, increase your food intake, specifically lean protein a little each day. Don't cut out your treat day. If you do, you're likely to give up altogether. Too much restriction can lead to failure.

I hope that helps.
Thank you for your reply, I was wondering if I should go heavy, I think that perhaps I'll try that and see if I get any results then make the change if need be!

Hi, I agree with lifting heavier and shifting your focus a little more to weights instead of cardio. As far as cardio goes if you're not already doing it, make 1-2 of your cardio workouts an interval workout. Now on to diet....do you keep a food journal to track how many calories you're consuming? That might be something to consider. Also instead of eliminating your cheat day, try making it a cheat meal instead.

Congrats on your weight loss!

Hi! I just wanted to say that I am in the same boat, but I've lost over 100 lbs. I don't want to lose anymore weight. Everyone tells me I am getting to thin and I agree. But I am having the hardest time deciding if I should do more cardio to lose the flab or focus on strength training. I decided to try Cathe and use heavier weights to get the definition I am looking for. I always feel like I am not getting enough cardio though. Should I limit to three times a week then and do more heavy weight lifting? I also have a cheat meal a week. And I look forward to it!:p

I am also having a hard time with my eating. I think I'm not eating enough and always hungry because I haven't made the transition from losing to maintenance. I'm just so concerned that I will gain weight again, since I do very easily...
Thanks for your response guys.

I truly understand your plight. I lost approximately 50 lbs in high school over 30 years ago. But, I have been able to keep most of it off the through my adult life. I know how important good nutrition and deliberate exercise is because of my weight loss experience and so do you!

Having said all that, I have to tell you weight training is a necessity in order to see toning and firming. To ease your fears, you could start by replacing one cardio session with a heavy training session for a few weeks and see how you do.

As you see results, you could then replace another cardio session with heavy weight training for a few more weeks and then re-evaluate. This would be an 'easy does it' approach as you gain confidence that the weight will stay off. Adding a couple of days of interval training is a great idea. I would not cut out the treat day if your diet is working for you so far. It's not a good idea to get too restrictive.

I should warn you, though, that some of us have gained 3 - 5 lbs when starting to weight train. But, even with the possible weight gain, you will notice a more compact frame.

I weigh approx 8 lbs more than I did six years ago, but fit into the same size clothing.

Good Luck! You have nothing to lose but inches!
Congratulations on all the weight losses, that is great :)

I have lost 116 pounds and I am trying very hard to tighten up some more problem areas and I am having a difficult time getting there. I was doing mostly cardio type work or intervals ( BC, CM ) but still its not getting me to where I want to be.

I do have loose skin around the waist & tummy - I did have a tummy tuck done 2 yrs ago but believe it or not its not tight so I had thought about having a 2nd surgery (it really depresses me having the looseness for as hard as I workout ) anyway I am to the point now I don't want surgery but if thats what I have to do then I will but WILL exercising with heavier weights tone up the middle / waist ? I will definately wait surgery out if working out will work for me, alot cheaper too & healthier :)

I just ordered the Intensity Series & have done PUB 1 time, then I hurt my knee a little but i am getting back into it now, slowly.
Any thoughts to this ?

My weight flucuates from 135 - 138 ...so adding more in, should I look for a gain too ?

Thank you,
Laura =)
Here is a link to my before & after photo's
Hi Candi,

I really like your advice, that sounds like a good idea, to ease into lifting heavy then seeing what results begin to happen.

I also feel that I HAVE to do cardio as I will put the weight back on, but perhaps eliminating one cardio day for one heavy weight day may not be too bad.

I'm going to give it a try!

Laura, you do look wonderful! Anyone here who has lost a lot of weight knows how much self determination goes into it. Amazing!

The one thing that really sculpts the mid section is core work. For me, it was after using Boot Camp for approximately 8 weeks that I noticed a big difference. It's very tough work, but the payback is worth it. Cathe has added core work to most of her AB routines these days I'm sure for that reason. I don't have a six pack but you can definitely see muscles in the front and on the sides of my core.

To clarify, though, my problem areas are my upper thighs and lower but. With the onset of premenopause, however, I was starting to get a pooch in the tummy. The pooch is all gone now.

I'm curious, could you share your tummy tuck experience with us.
Thanks :)

Sometimes it is an everyday struggle but I know what is right to do with nutrition for the most part but I am still learning about more protien which for me WW doesn't teach you much about when you are working out with a tape like Cathe.

My TT experience was a good one for the most part, I guess I shouldn't be as picky as I am but I guess since I paid for it I want it all for the money. After losing my weight I went to a highly recommended plastic surgeon. I took 3 wks off of work & much longer off of exercise ( probly 8 wks ). The surgery wasn't nearly what I expected as far as pain, I didn't think I was going to be able to move and be in so much pain, that wasn't the case for me.. maybe because I have worked out prior to it I don't know.
He did remove my "apron" tummy but I still have buldges and some rolls I want rid of. I went for a 2nd opinion & he said I could def. be tighter... so when I stand it doesn't look loose but its there...I can't wear anything fitted or to tight, still have to hide the rolls of loose skin. But would I do it all again - YES!

So are you saying the Intensity Series and if I keep up with bootcamp I might be able tone this loose flab ?

Thank again,
Laura =)
Here is a link to my before & after photo's
Thank you for sharing your experience. When I watch things like "Extreme Makeover" I am amazed at how quickly people are up and moving. I watched one show where a woman in her late forties lost, gosh I think about 150-200 lbs and they did a total body lift (boobs, tummy, butt, legs) and she was walking around three days later. She looked so much better after. Before the surgery, she looked good in clothes, but when she took her clothes off, you could see all the loose skin. It was rubbing between her legs and stuff. Must have been extremely uncomfortable. The tuck made all the difference but they did mention they would have to do another butt tuck later on.

What I was trying to say is that I never really noticed a whole lot of improvement in my abs until I used Boot Camp on a rotation. The abs (core) portion was very difficult for me at first, but after four weeks I mastered them and after 8 weeks I noticed a lot of definition. I think using Intensity Series and definitely making sure Boot Camp is part of your rotation, hopefully you will notice much improvement. Like we say here, though, everybody's different but it wouldn't hurt to try for a few weeks and then make your decision about surgery.

I noticed some of the ladies recommended abs everyday. You could give that a shot, making sure to include BC core a couple of days a week.
I just checked out your photos, Laura, and wanted to say how incredibly impressed I am. You lost more weight than I have ever even weighed! You look, as Billy Crystal would say, "fabulous"!!!!

You go, girl!

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