Thyroid/Hormone/Older Weight Issues


I’m working on getting my thyroid and hormone issues on track. Has anyone noticed that even when you do lose weight, because of how the fat deposits, you almost need to lose more weight? For the last several years I’ve just been following Cathe’s Monthly posted routines but I’m wondering if I should switch course? Anyone been down this road?
I’m working on getting my thyroid and hormone issues on track. Has anyone noticed that even when you do lose weight, because of how the fat deposits, you almost need to lose more weight? For the last several years I’ve just been following Cathe’s Monthly posted routines but I’m wondering if I should switch course? Anyone been down this road?
I'm not sure that I have noticed I need to lose more weight so much as that when I lose weight (depending how quickly I lose) the elasticity of my skin needs to adjust to the new shape/size.

So as I lose weight, I try to do it as slowly as possible and it does cause me to focus even more on protein intake, extra nutrients for skin and hair maintenance and exercising in a way that promotes building/maintaining muscle.

So I guess it's more of realizing how much more I need to care for my body in different ways.
Good for you working on your hormones and faithfully exercising!
Thank you. That makes sense, I’m only losing a pound a week. Which is actually Huge for me. For years it was just a steady increase of weight. Maybe, I’ll do an X-train rotation.
A pound a week is fantastic progress!
You can't go wrong with Xtrain...that's my all-time favorite Cathe series! So versatile!!
Keep up the good work!
I have thyroid issues and take medication. When I was losing weight I rarely lost more than .5 per week. It was very slow going, but I lost the 50 pounds that I was trying to get off. I follow the WW plan and have learned that it is a a part of my life. I avoid highly processed foods and try to eat as clean as possible with occasional indulgences. Good luck and don’t be discouraged.
I have thyroid problems. I noticed if I don’t take my thyroid meds, my weight seems to go up. And when I was losing weight with the thyroid meds, they checked my thyroid and my thyroid was hyperactive. When it was hyperactive I did lose more weight at much less time. They got me back on the right dose and my weight loss slowed, but I was still losing weight.

One thing about thyroid when you do go on meds for them you must check their levels. Eventually you will get on the right one.

Jennifer Denny
Thanks, Jennifer. I found that I needed to go to a functional medicine doctor to get my thyroid in the correct range. What my primary care doctor thought was hyperactive was not hyperactive, at least not for me. With the functional medicine doctor and looking at the reproductive hormones as well, I'm doing much better. Thanks

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