Three Things - Sept. 28/06


Okay, it's been way too long. For those newbies out there, you list three POSITIVE things in your life. It's a nice way to keep us from dwelling on the negative.

Here goes:

1. I'm getting a new furry friend this weekend
2. I'm having pizza for dinner}(
3. I have amazing, generous friends

Your turn.
1. my little man (2.5) and my DH are my world :)
2. I heart my Catheites
3. I heart the fruity homemade pie that lives in my fridge

Age only matters if you're cheese.
1. I'm doing my weekly fitness lesson with my DN and DN today.
2. DH is home for the day.
3. Friends and family are visiting on Saturday.

Good idea, Shelley.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
1. My B-day is tomorrow
2. My 11th wedding anniversary is sat
3. We are having a lobster dinner tomorrow night

I can add 4 I only have to go to work for 4 hours today!!

1]My husband and I are deeply in love after many years together.
2] My daughter and I are best friends.
3] We all appreciate the blessings and good fortune in our lives.

and one more 4] I managed to stay out of the ice cream last night:9
1. It is a beautiful day here today & hurricane season is almost over!
2. I have a wonderful husband and great kids.
3. I am playing golf this afternoon with my husband and our good friends.

Shelley, you're the bees knees.

1. Tomorrow is friday :D
2. Despite my occasional (frequent?) complaining, deep down I know I have a great life and have absolutely nothing to complain about.
3. I have absolutely nothing planned for the entire weekend. :D

ETA: Fingers crossed that Sadie and Mr. Prancypants hit it off this weekend, Shelley!
1. NEPA GTG this Saturday! Woohoo! :7
2. My rescued kitty is pouncing happily on my feet at this moment.
3. Both of my DSs are doing well in school so far this year.

Good plan Shelley:

1. My DH and I are healthy and love each other more every day. :)
2. I have food, clothing and a warm snuggly place to live. :)
3. I have spent my time on this earth with the goal of touching another's life positively every day. :)
Yipee for Shelley!!! Oh, that's not one, although it should be.

1. My DS is happy and doing well in his residence.
2. My DD is getting straight A's so far this semester in college.
3. I haven't eaten a pumpkin muffin.
1. My DH makes me feel so loved!
2. I am meeting friends to run tonight.
3. I have the physical ability to run, w/ no handicaps or obstacles.
Thanks Shelley! It's wonderful to focus on the positive...

1. It's my finger, not my toe, that's broken, so I can still run my half!

2. I have such wonderfully inspiring friends on this board who are the living embodiment of who I strive to be.

3. I'm so lucky to have the family I do - they are very supportive in all I do.
Yay!! Shelley is getting a new fuzzy friend!!

1. I have made some genuine friendships on this forum
2. I'm going to Italy in a few weeks with my best friend--my DH
3. I went shopping the other day and found FOUR sweaters that fit AND look good on me
This is fun! Great idea..I missed the last one.

1. Tomorrow is my birthday!
2. I'm taking tomorrow off from work :7
3. My two fuzzy kids make me laugh everyday

:) Nicole
1. I haven't smoked in almost 3 months
2. I'm in the best shape of my life
3. My 5 yo DS is the center of my universe...and I am his.:)
Thank you. This is such a wonderful idea!

1.I have a loving and fun family.
2.We sold our house in 1 day:)
3.We are having dinner with good friends on Saturday!

Oh and I had 2 fresh baked chocolate chip cookies between packing and didn't feel guilty at all}(
1. I wake up every morning to a beautiful world
2. I wake up every morning to my furry, happy dog
3. I wake up every morning knowing there's a full day ahead of me filled with opportunities to find and enjoy beauty and friendship

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