Three More Things?

1. I went to the gym this morning and finished my cardio bright and early

2. Just had lunch with a dear friend who I haven't seen for a few weeks

3. DH is playing poker tonight with The Guys (and sleeping over at another player's house), so I get to sleep how I want to tonight - diagonally across the bed, no pillows, heat blasting, curtains open so the sunlight awakens me tomorrow morning!

Hey, Allison, that sounds great!
Is there any chance I saw you at the new Chez Henry's about a week or two ago? I saw someone who looked like your picture having dinner with her husband. The food isn't bad.

1. I am happy Ruth is feeling like starting this post because I know she's had the really tough stuff to deal with and she embodies the strength it takes to be happy and sad at the same time. I am NOT surprised she started it though!
2. I'm happy my brain still works and has talked my body into joining it just in time for Hardcore and all the fun, poitive stuff that might just have been born of the negative vibe the preceded it. Goodbye negativity, in the forums and me, hello brain. I was beginning to wonder if it was altered permanently. I won't get started about the possibility that it was stolen by aliens! :eek:.

3. I am happy and thankful and deeply touched by your response to my return although I never really left. I lurked in silence and had not the ability to engage. How scary is that?

Three thoughts:

1. I am happy and blessed to know you all and better and better because you are a well-spring of beauty, intelligence,and strength and you make me want to live uyp to your standards You are unique and awesome in so many ways.

2. I salute you, am amazed this is possible. I am grateful for Cathe because, in addition to her status as Instructor Extrordinaire, she allows THIS!

3. My heart is full and I hope we have many more such moments. Sewn together with the lives we live outside of cyberspace, they create a meaningful life. Who could ask for more?
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver,
It's SPRING BREAK! If you are a college professor almost ready to hang yourself from the showerhead, this is an opportunity to get back together with whatever mind you have left! For my students, it's an opportunity to get tan and drink--but more power to them.

Number 2: I have a son graduating from college and if anyone knows how expensive it is in the northeast (like 160,000 dollars) then you will know what a burden has been lifted.

Number 3: hey, the days are getting longer, and I just love more sunlight.
1) I have exercised every day this week. This is a great accomplishement for me.

2) I am healthy and able to care for my family.

3) My children are healthy and as active as ever.

4) The sun is shining and it is beautiful outside. (I saw two rabbits hopping around in my yard this morning...oh, and the birds are loving the feeders I put out.

Hey Nancy,

Nope, wasn't me - must be my evil twin! We ate there once and liked it but haven't been back. We are regulars at Noodle Pudding on Fridays early, unless DH's poker game gets in the way.

1. I am happy I found this place and you people who don't even realize you've changed my life in many ways. Bobbi, your three thoughts could have been taken from my head (although I am not as eloquent).

2. I met up with an old friend last night and had a blast, we always pick up right where we left off and have so much fun together.

3. It's Friday and I'm off work in 12 minutes! (I don't think this qualifies as "working" but I'm HERE right!?!?!?

Have a good weekend everyone:+

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