Those with HYPOthyroidism


Do you remember what your TSH, T4 and T3 values were before you started treatment? Thanks.

Mine were in the 7's to 5 range. Many doctors don't treat these levels because they are considered normal but talking with an endocrinologist at my age I should be closer to 1.
According to my dr, my TSH and T4 were within the normal range but the T3 was 1 point low. Not sure what that means.
My TSH was 2.5 and it is supposed to be around 1.5. My doctor put me on Levoxyl. My doctor says that many doctors don't believe that you should take anything if it is close to normal, but she says that even a point off can mess things up.

Well I'm scheduled for a thyroid scan on Monday. Will that help with deciding if I should be on meds or not? How hard is it to find the correct medication/dosage if I don't have any obvious symptoms?
Mine was extremely high, I think in the 50's or 70's, the dr said he had never seen one so high, the thought it must be a thyroid tumor at first. Took about 2 yrs to get it into the normal range. Kim
Mine were 5+. I started treatment almost 10 years ago. I have a lazy thyroid. 5+ was just out of the normal range back then, guidelines have changed since I started treatment. They have been lowered somewhat. I think 3.5 is considered normal. Don't take my word for this. I am a bit foggy on the numbers. My doctor keeps me around 1 now. According to her if you are on supplements you should be on the low end of normal. A small change in meds makes a huge difference for me. Synthroid is a miracle drug in my opinion. I feel fine as long as my levels are right! If not, a whole mess of problems develop. Fatigue being only one of them.
Mine was really screwed up. IIRC it was in the 90s. In fact, when I went back after 3 months it was still high (5-10 range) and the doctor accused me of not taking my meds until I mentioned they were a lot better than they were before. He agreed (rather sheepishly) after checking my chart.

>Well I'm scheduled for a thyroid scan on Monday. Will that
>help with deciding if I should be on meds or not? How hard is
>it to find the correct medication/dosage if I don't have any
>obvious symptoms?

I was also symptom-free. They put me on .5 of Synthroid and I've been on it for more than a decade. My dose never seems to need to be increased. I imagine they'll do the same for you. You just take it in the morning on an empty stomach, and you're good to go. :D
So what about Synthroid and BCP? Does it interact with other meds (anxiety, cold/sinus, allergy, etc).
>So what about Synthroid and BCP? Does it interact with other
>meds (anxiety, cold/sinus, allergy, etc).

As far as I know, all of those are okay. I think this is because the synthroid just replaces the thyroid hormone your body is no longer producing in adequate amounts, so it's not a "drug". (If you were hyperthyroid, some of the medications you mentioned might be a problem).

ETA: If you take calcium supplements, it's best to take them at a different time of day because they can interfere with the absorption of the synthroid.

Unnecessary disclaimer: My statements are meant to ease your concerns regarding your expectations of what your doctor will say, not to give medical advice. :p

What is BCP??
BCP = Birth Control Pills. I don't want to stop taking them just yet. Hopefully, in a year or so I can. Do you know what a 1 point low T3 means? Would that show up on a scan?
In May, 2006, TSH=over 150, FT3 & FT4 very low.

I started taking levothyroxine (Sandoz)and tested again in June, 2006. I had the same readings; nothing changed.

My dosage was doubled, and I was tested again in July, 2006; TSH=34.

Long story short, today my TSH is less than .1 and my FT3 & FT4 are in mid range on a dosage of 100 mcg. I still have symptoms, but I feel sooooo much better.
I've had Hypothyroidism for 35 (almost) 36 years and have been on BCP for the last 17. I just take my (daily)Levothyroxin when I first get up in the a.m.

Thanks for everyone's responses. I had part 1 of the scan big deal. Waiting is the hard part but hopefully they won't find anything.

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