Those who've quit smoking, do you consider yourselves

>I quit a week and a half ago while I was on vacation. I'm
>taking Chantix, the fairly new prescription drug that controls
>cravings. It's worked amazingly well for me. I was on vacation
>with a group and some of them are smokers. I could sit next to
>them all afternoon and even smell their smoke without getting
>a craving at all. I have tried everything in the past: the
>gum, the patch, cold turkey, only smoking x number of
>cigarettes per day, etc. Chantix is the thing that worked for
>me. It's expensive, but worth it!

I used zyban, it worked for me.
RE: Those who've quit smoking, do you consider yourselv...

Well, I'm on day 2 of being a recovering nicoholic :). I finished reading Allen Carr's book on Tuesday night haven't smoked since. I bought a box of patches but didn't want to use them as I want to get the nicotine out of my system as quickly as possible.

I was really tired yesterday afternoon and didn't make the best food choices, but I really haven't had a craving for a cigarette. I have even been around smokers and it hasn't bothered me. Thanks Allen Carr!

Thanks to you ladies too for showing me that it can be done!
I quit a couple years ago and I consider myself a non smoker. I have absolutely no desire to light up again. I think the smell is nasty. One day I decided to quit and I never bought another pack.
RE: Those who've quit smoking, do you consider yourselv...

I am a non-smoker who still (after 25 years) wants to bum cigarette from someone after I have had a couple of drinks. There are some associations that are just hard to break. Maybe in those instances, I am a recovering nicoholic, although it's easier now that you can't smoke in bars in Minnesota anymore.

My daughter quit for me. Before I even knew I was pregnant, I got extremely nauseous every time I lit up - couldn't finish a cigarette. After I had her though I started craving cigarettes again, but I wouldn't give in because I was nursing. Eventually, the cravings got less and less.

Congrats to everyone who has beat this habit!
RE: Those who've quit smoking, do you consider yourselv...

I quit about 14 years ago and I've been a super stressed, hyper maniac ever since. I have no "nicotine stress relief" any more. I went thru a major deprssion when I was quitting that lasted a LONG time. For the most part, I just wish I had something to calm me down as I'm a hyper person, but as far as having strong cravings, it usually only happens occasionally and most likely if I get a whiff of a freshly lit cigarette or even better yet, a fresh...non lit ciggie. I don't hang out with anyone who it makes it easier...but I don't think I could be around fresh tobacco products or people who smoke.

Still trying to figure out how to calm myself down without that drug! That Nicotine is powerful stuff. I'll never start again though!

I was a chain smoker and smoked for about 28 years or so?? Not sure. I started very young.
RE: Those who've quit smoking, do you consider yourselv...

Hello Laura.

Congrats on your five years!! High fives to you, girlfriend!!

My Mom quit cold turkey about 40 years ago and still has cravings.
You're not alone.

Keep up the great work!!

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