Those walking lunges!!!


I decided to do the walking lunges yesterday before I left work. Our clinic has a circular hall and I thought it would be perfect to do the lunges in a continuous manner. Whew, well!!!!!! I could only do 200, that's 100 per leg and my legs were like jello when I walked to the car. I even stretched in my clinic room before I left for home and then I went home and did KPC to try and avoid any soreness. Well, it didn't help, I am barely able to move today. That suggestion from Cathe to do those walking lunges was very helpful. I feel the soreness in my quads and hamstring and buttocks areas, I'm going to try them again today and do them at least 4 times a week to help lean out my legs. I have what I call a fat pocket right on the inside of my inner thighs and plenty of padding on my butt. I already workout with Cathe 6 times a week.
Sooooooo, if any of you want to try something like this, I can assure you it works those legs.
Give life your all!
Hi Melissa! Thanks for the feedback on those walking lunges. I also need to lean out every last bit of my lower body. Did Cathe make any recommendations on doing the walking lunges if you have a limited amount of space? I was thinking about the park, but this time of year so many people are out, and they may look at me like I'm a nut.

Kim - LOL, that is my fear too. I've been doing them around my backyard and they ARE difficult. But, you really do feel them the next day.

- Shopgirl
Cathe did not say anything about a modification. I don't know much about linking to other threads, but if you'll look at May 20th entry called
Cathe-I need help toning my legs, she emails SheRa329 ( Ashley ) about this, it's a really good thread. I easily found it by going to the SEARCH and typing in walking lunges. I don't really see any way of getting around doing them anywhere but a large area, I don't know that it would be as effective if you did them in place. Sorry, but we all do look a little goofy doing these, ha ha. Maybe some of the other posters could help us out. Thanks for posting. See Ya!
Give life your all!
>No, definitely no wts.
>But boy you'll feel them.
>Give life your all!

Thanks! I will try them!
I know this is so goofy looking. Well I did them at the school track the other day. People were probally looking at me in a strange way.
Yeah, and when you've done walking lunges and have some killer legs as results and you go to the beach in your bikini looking hot......... well, looking like a duck for a few minutes is totally worth that!!

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