This was an e-mail from a soldier i was told


I don't want to get yelled at so here it is

Subject: The Comeback of the Year

Love This Comeback

One of my sons serves in the military. He is still stateside, here in

California He called me yesterday to let me know how warm and

welcoming people were to him, and his troops, everywhere he goes,

telling me how people shake their hands, and thank them for being

willing to serve, and fight, for not only our own freedoms but so that

others may have them also.

But he also told me about an incident in the grocery store he stopped

at yesterday, on his way home from the base. He said that ahead of

several people in front of him stood a woman dressed in a burkha.

He said when she got to the cashier she loudly remarked about the U.S.

flag lapel pin the cashier wore on her smock. The cashier reached up

and touched the pin, and said proudly,"Yes, I always wear it and

probably always will."

The woman in the burkha then asked the cashier when she was going to

stop bombing her countrymen, explaining that she was Iraqi. A

gentleman standing behind my son stepped forward, putting his arm

around my son's shoulders, and nodding towards my son, said in a calm

and gentle voice to the Iraqi woman:

"Lady, hundreds of thousands of men and women like this young man have

fought and died so that YOU could stand here, in MY country and accuse

a check-out cashier of bombing YOUR countrymen. It is my belief that

had you been this outspoken in YOUR own country, we wouldn't need to be

there today. But, hey, if you have now learned how to speak out so

loudly and clearly, I'll gladly buy you a ticket and pay your way back

to Iraq so you can straighten out the mess in YOUR country that you are

obviously here in MY country to avoid."

Everyone within his hearing distance cheered !

I totally inderstand this, for i hate to see so many young men die...

God Bless Our Boys Over There...
That put her in her place. What did she expect? I don't understand people sometimes. But then again, this country does have freedom of speech, and so we will speak out.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Maybe that is who sent it.I liked it. Where do you guys find this stuff???I don't look, just get it sent...

But , it is a good e-mail.
I wish our boys were home whether this is true or not.
I wish everyone could live in peace and not blow eachother up...

Never the less. God bless the world... Maybe they will all stop fighting....NOT...JOKE

Now come after me...
I know it is coming...

Aka( Storm)
Anne - if ever you get e-mails that have questionable content, go to and if you type a couple of keywords into the search bar, it will look it up for you. Remember that one posted a while ago about the things Robin Williams said about running the country? Bogus. The one about Bill Gates' speech to a graduating high school class? Bogus. All those e-mails you get about "if you send this on Microsoft will pay you X amount of dollars"? Bogus. It's a great site.
Ok, I am official sucker. I thought it was a real one.
Smack me in ther great big head..Daaaaaaa!!!
Robin Williams would probably do a great job. Life would be funny>>>>>

I will go to the Dr. tomorrow for a brain...I am too nieve...


Aka( Storm)
Hate to nitpick, but please forgive -

it's our boys *and girls* who are dying in Iraq, not just 'our boys'.

Susan L.G.
I love snopes, too. But I actually had someone get ticked at me for pointing them to the site to show them that an e-mail they were sending was bogus. He said that I "ruined" it for everyone. WTF??? Guess some people like being lied to!!!
>and innocent Iraqi men, women, and children are dying, also.

Yes, I wouldn't forget them either.

Susan L.G.
The story just seems a variation on a theme of haranguing/criticizing/beating down people who don't agree with the war, and indirectly accusing them of being unAmerican or anti-soldier or unpatriotic or pro-terrorist or whatever.

I think you can support/respect/be thankful for the warrior but not support a war.

I am thankful there are people who have chosen to do the incredibly frightening job of being an active-duty soldier. I believe the government does not do enough for our soldiers. I mean, think about how little these people make ($$$) in exchange for the tremendous sacrifice so many of them make. It's shameful.

Now I'm ducking out of here before I get hit with a flame! Yikes!

Susan L.G.
Susan, I agree with everything you wrote. This email sounds fake, and pretty ignorant as well.

I come from a military family and I fully support the soldiers. That's why I want them to come home. I mourn the loss of every soldier, and also the untold number of Iraqi civilians that have died (think of all the elderly, the mothers, the babies that have suffered! It's absolutely horrific). And so many soldiers are being horribly wounded. Whenever my dad goes to Walter Reed he and my mom are so heartbroken at all the young soldiers dealing with amputations, head trauma, etc. They are all over the hospital. I heard that over 70 soldiers were killed this past weekend. It's heartbreaking.

Ok, we have already established thet this was a fake.
My error.
Might i add i have a sister and b&L active in the navy for 16-20 yrs and have both served in Iraq.In fact Kevin is due to go back soon...
I don't want to get political, but i don't like our boys/girls being over there being blown up...
I was really hoping this would die off...
I too feel for the innocent people, but not the suicide bombers...
This is all i have to say..
The End..

Aka( Storm)
I'm guessing the "" people are paid to dismantle the truth by the Left Wingers.

"Some folks question the e-mail on the basis of its key figure being described as wearing a burqa, a traditional head-to-toe covering worn by many women in Afghanistan — someone from Iraq would be highly unlikely to don such a garment, given that Iraq is a far more secular part of the Muslim world."

This is funny, when I was in Iraq many of women were wearing "Burqa"


"Many Americans view their country's war with Iraq as a humanitarian effort undertaken to liberate the sorely oppressed Iraqi people from a monster of a leader, and they are therefore angered by a seeming lack of gratitude on the part of those they are rescuing."

Almost everywhere I went in Iraq the majority of the people were very thankful for stopping Saddam and his Henchmen.


P. S. Yell all you want, I just tell it like it is, the real truth.
>This is funny, when I was in Iraq many of women were wearing

Do you mean the garment that covers the entire body, from head to feet, with only a small "screen" for the woman to see out of? I understood that this garment is a "burqa" and is only worn in Afghanistan, and that in Iraq muslim women can get away with less head covering. Would you mind clarifying, I'm just curious.

>Almost everywhere I went in Iraq the majority of the people
>were very thankful for stopping Saddam and his Henchmen.

I guess everyone in Iraq may have a different take on this depending on the location, the situation at the time, etc. A friend of mine and my sister is a Physical Therapist stationed in Baghdad and sees both soldiers and Iraqi civilians injured because of the war. She said the Iraqis are very pleasant and grateful for her help (they call her "friend") but that their attitude towards the soldiers and the entire situation that caused their injuries and the injuries/deaths of their friends and family members is not the least bit grateful. I agree that there was a mess in Iraq before the war, but it seems that for many, like my friend's patients, there is a much bigger mess now.

>Ok, we have already established thet this was a fake.
>My error.

Anne, I'm sorry if you took this wrong. I was just expressing my immediate reaction to the story. It just seemed so false to me, and like it was meant to stir up bad feelings towards muslims, and I don't think that kind of thing is positive or productive. I know you know it's fake.

>Might i add i have a sister and b&L active in the navy for
>16-20 yrs and have both served in Iraq.In fact Kevin is due to
>go back soon...

Good luck to your family members serving. My sister and I have a friend serving in Baghdad and we worry about her a lot. I hope my BIL doesn't have to go. So far, we've been lucky. I'm glad your BIL is coming back soon.

>i don't like our boys/girls being over there being blown up...

I completely agree. Let's hope it ends soon.

YES many of the woman wear Burqa in Baghdad. This is a picture I took on the streets of Baghdad.

Kind of blows the liberal web site's lies away........:)

Many innocent men, women, and children died in our Revolutionary War too, but sometimes the cause is worth it.

Amy, I never lived in the Green Zone in Iraq. I always lived and worked in the Red zone area. I was able to talk to the people in locations all over Iraq, not just the people in a Hopsital in the Green Zone in Baghdad. I did visit that Hospital a few time unfortunately....:)

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