this question is for lederr...


Hi lederr I just love your dog? what type of dog is he/she? I'm looking for a dog. However, not too big due to I live in an apartment. but when I saw that picture I just fell in love with him/her... thanks:7
Hey Roxie! Linus is a rescue. He was found on the side of the road in a box along with his siblings and his mother was tied to a pole. They were all brought to animal control and were actually in the gas room when the supervisor tried one more time to get a rescue group to take them. So, I did. :) The rest, as they say, is history!

Anyway, the best we can figure is that he is a poodle/terrier mix. He weighs about 16 pounds. He is such a sweetie! He is a therapy dog and comes to work with me to work with the kids.

Here's a video you might get a kick out of:

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