this Mel Gibson thing?

>I am sorry, but I think many people are making judgements
>about Mr Gibson's character. Which they know nothing about.
>Even his little tirade does not speak to his character. HE

Actually, my comments were in regards to things Mr. Gibson has said while (I believe) perfectly sober. He is well known for remarks about the "aberration" of homosexuality, which I strongly disagree with, as well as his anti-Semitic views. When he was filming POTC, there was considerable controversy over the point of view he was taking because of its anti-Semitic nature.

But, whatever. Looking at the "hottest man" thread, it's clear that celebrities can behave in any number of Neanderthalic ways with little real impact on the public. Personally I'll think twice before supporting any of his movies in future, but that's just me.

I don't spend time worrying about Mel Gibson as I am sure he doesn't spend time worrying about me!:p

All I can say is that celebs need to be held accountable for thier actions in the same way that anyone of us would. They deserve no worse and certainly no better just because they are famous. x(
That's OK--I don't think we're necessarily disagreeing. I don't really think he should be prosecuted for a hate crime, but I do believe there may be instances in which someone should be for verbal racial slurs. I mean, I just had to fire someone for using an incredibly offensive racial word--not criminal prosecution, but pretty serious.
I think the man was drunk. When people are drunk they very often say stupid things and do stupid things that they would not if not for the alcohol. He acknowledged his errors and apologized several times. He can't change what happened so what more can we expect him to do? I don't believe in witch hunts. He should be allowed to be human just like the rest of us.
Marie, I completely agree with you, Mel Gibson has been making anti-gay and anti-Semitic comments (under the guise of "being a good Christian") for years, and I am glad he has finally bit himself in the ass.

People seem pretty blase about drunkenness and drunk driving - there's a sort of attitude on this thread "oh well, no big deal, not my problem, he DOES have the illness of alcoholoism, he was just drunk and that excuses his comments, let's just ignore it." Whereas on the Andrea Yates thread, there was more of an attitude of "this is unforgivable - even though we recognize that she has the illness of post-partum psychosis, let's hang her high." Now of course I KNOW that killing all your kids is so much worse than driving drunk. But I'm wondering if Andrea had been an alcoholic, and killed her kids by driving drunk, if there would be this much hatred for her. It seems like heavy drinking is part of the American culture, if people get drunk it's not a big deal, sort of the norm, almost, and people tend to forgive what people do when they're drunk, but do not forgive what mentally ill people do when they're in the midst of psychosis.
Driving drunk is very dangerous and Mel needs to get what's comin' to him for that one for sure and whatever he said to the cops was certainly out of line! I don't agree with what Mel did AT ALL! What he did should not be down-played and blown off as "no big deal" BUT as far as comparing Yates to Gibson, to me, there is no comparison! Yates is guilty of MURDERING FIVE CHILDREN! Mel drove drunk and is a bigot. Granted, he COULD have killed someone and thank goodness that he didn't but even comparison IMO.

I'll take drunk, anti-semetic, anti-homosexual Mel over baby killing Andrea ANY DAY! I realize that Andrea is a sick woman but that doesn't negate what she did!


'Nuff said!:)
>>I like butterflies.
>LMFAO, Shelley! :7 :7 :7
>Oooh it time for....
>DIE THREAD, DIE!!!!}( }( }(

You like butterflies
I like bees
How can we make this rhyme with Robin's pee?
>>>I like butterflies.
>>LMFAO, Shelley! :7 :7 :7
>>Oooh it time for....
>>DIE THREAD, DIE!!!!}( }( }(
>You like butterflies
>I like bees
>How can we make this rhyme with Robin's pee?

Robin's pee is yellow, you see...
Just like Michele's bee.
Add in Shelley butterflies and what do you get?
Please tell me!
>>>>I like butterflies.
>>>LMFAO, Shelley! :7 :7 :7
>>>Oooh it time for....
>>>DIE THREAD, DIE!!!!}( }( }(
>>You like butterflies
>>I like bees
>>How can we make this rhyme with Robin's pee?
>Robin's pee is yellow, you see...
>Just like Michele's bee.
>Add in Shelley butterflies and what do you get?
>Please tell me!

Oooooohhhhh! That's very good, Wendy! LMAO!!!:7
>>>>>I like butterflies.
>>>>LMFAO, Shelley! :7 :7 :7
>>>>Oooh it time for....
>>>>DIE THREAD, DIE!!!!}( }( }(
>>>You like butterflies
>>>I like bees
>>>How can we make this rhyme with Robin's pee?
>>Robin's pee is yellow, you see...
>>Just like Michele's bee.
>>Add in Shelley butterflies and what do you get?
>>Please tell me!
>Oooooohhhhh! That's very good, Wendy! LMAO!!!:7

LOL, Michele! But you forgot to answer the question!!! :p
I think we need Shelley to come back and help us out. This exercise might keep her head from exploding.:p :7
>I think we need Shelley to come back and help us out. This
>exercise might keep her head from exploding.:p :7

True, but I have a feeling that this thread is partly to blame of the exploding head as well! :eek:

Shelley, come back! No more Mel talk! We promise! It's all about butterflies, bees and Robin's pee now! Come back!!!

:7 :7 :7
I think we need to work in Melody somehow--something about her riding on her boogy board to the beach--but HOW?

I suck at poetry--lol!
Oh, that's SO much more appealing. Can we go back to talking about Mel now?:p

Let's see, Robin's pee is yellow, so is Michele's bee, add in my butterfly.... pee bee and ... there's no j in butterfly. I give up.
Michele has a bee that swims in Robin's pee. Shelley has a butterfly that likes to surf you see. So when Melody comes along with her boogie board shiney and new...Shelley's butterfly hops on it and says "surfs up dude"!

:7 :7 :7

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