This may be a dumb question......


Active Member
Okay this might be a dumb question, but I was trying to decide between CTX Step and Intervals or Step Blast. I already have the Timesaver so I have the warmup and first three combos of Step Blast. But I'm missing the blast part. What I have of it though is sooo much fun. All the posts I have read so far everyone else seems to love this one too. So, which would you say to get? Step & Intervals seems great for a quick but intense workout. But what I have of Step Blast is just incredibly fun. Would I be pretty much getting the same thing if I get Step Blast? Please let me know what any of your opinions are. It would help so much. Thanks in advance.
That's a toughie. However, my suggestion is that, if you already have the TimeSaver that includes portions of Step Blast, go ahead and get CTX Step And Intervals for now. What you can do is hook the interval segment of Step Intervals (runs about 9-10 minutes) on the end of a TimeSaver workout that includes Step Blast footage, and therefore get your intensity blast in.

Plus, by doing that you could also do an extended standard step routine by doing the warm-up and standard step sequence from Step Intervals, then hook on a Step Blast segment after that from your TimeSaver.

Hope this helps!

Another suggestion:

If step-oriented intensity blasts are what you're after, and if you don't have either / both of these, do consider getting Interval Max original or Interval Max 2. There are 10 blasts in each workout, and you'd have your pick of what you want to do each and every session.

Ah, but that particular combo just isn't the same as dong all three sections of the Step bast routine, then doing a blast, then repeating this twice over!

I would immediately purchase the Step blast, personally, I would want the complete workout as a separate item to play through in its entirety.

I also do not think Step & Intervals on its own is that much cop. It gives you an OK step routine and some intervals that make more sense when used as part of a CTX rotation in combo with the rest of the CTX series. Alone, it gives you training for one body part that again makes no sense without the remaining tapes to train the other body parts. I would never bother with Step & Intervals without its CTX series.

That's my personal opinion. A suggestion. If you love Step blast, go the whole hog. Follow your heart!

Thankyou A-Jock and Clare for your helpful answers to my question. After a lot of going back and forth I did end up going with Step Blast. I just love the parts I have on Timesaver and the thought of now being able to not have to stop and go back to the main menu to access another part of it, but to just be able to repeat those fun combos and have blasts to make it tough....What more can a girl ask for? Pure Bliss. :) I'm so excited I also ordered Boot Camp and MIC I've heard so much great stuff about these. Thanks again for your help!! :)

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