This is the BIG MONDAY.....


...when all the wannabe gym rats try out their new memberships! How many of them do you think will be going in March? It will be tough to get a parking place at the Y today.

Just Do It! :)
Thats funny.Only b/c it's true.Thats all you see on t.v now is advertising for gyms to shed those holiday pounds.Lucky for me, I don't go to any gyms so the only time I will have trouble finding a parking place is if there is company here and I didn't know anyone was comming :7.But atleast they try.(i guess)

I will wait until tomorrow before going to the gym today it will be packed out with post holiday exercisers yukk.

Everything I do now is in prep for the new dvd's.

Ach! Don't remind me! We GFI's always get a real swell of participants in the first couple of weeks in January, with usually really cool people, and then by late February there's a near-total evaporation.

Annette Q. Aquajock
This is why I stopped going to the gym. I'd sign up, go for a few months then stop. So far with home work outs I have been going strong since July (although I took a month off for the holidays). It was an engagment present to myself. But tonight, I start again. Thank goodness the football regular season has ended so I can start working out on Monday nights!!

Beth :)
I was just talking about this with some of the other gym regulars last week. We always dread January/Febuary however in March it always subsides. Actually this morning it wasn't too bad but it was only the first day so look out tomarrow.
My workout crew amazingly stays pretty much the same whether pre or post holiday season, it's just Cathe, Rhonda, Cede, Brenda, Jay, Hope, give or take one or the other.

They are so dedicated!!!!

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