Oh I'm sure you've seen his face adorning many a t-shirt and poster. He was a Cuban guerilla leader and the subject of the film Motorcycle Diaries. Google him for more info - I've never been a fan of his.
HITLER!!!! Oh my Lord!!! That cannot be true but the little "blurb" makes sense and is me:
"You tend to see threats everywhere and always focus on worst case scenarios"
This (as sad as it sounds) describes me to the letter. Ya'll recall my post about cutting my foot last week??? I went on and on about how convinced I was that if I didn't get cut by that glass, the kids would have found it and something horrible would have happened!!! perfect example!! I could give hundreds more examples but I am sure you guys are already convinced that I am nuts!!!
Easy Rider
"You just want to maintain a calm, cool and comfortable environment"
Abe Lincoln
"You are a mild mannered assasination victim. You have a peaceful nature and are good at mediating disputes with the exception of the occasional bloody civil war" HA!
Hey all you Mr. Smith & Ghandi people - I think we have enough for a club now Maybe we're all just soul mates, or at least have a hell of a time hanging out