This is just TOO!!!!!!! sad


On the news this morning, a married man with 3 children, was jailed for 3 years for having unprotected sex with 2 mistresses knowing he had Aids.(yes he admitted it, and thought it was funny)
The crime comes under "criminal neglect" so the 3 years was the most he could be sentenced with.

This case had been hanging around in the court system for over a year and during that time, both the woman have since found out they have Aids as well. There was no mention of his wife or children.

I must say I felt a range of emotions after hearing this - from anger to sadness and the unanswered question of "WHY" did he do that?

Those poor woman will proberly die and he gets 3 years because they are not dead YET!!

Life really SUCKS sometimes

Wow, that IS a horrible thing for his wife & the kids. Not only does the wife find out about affairs, but she finds out about the disease and his horrible attitude concerning it all. And the kids..oh boy. However, I have less sympathy for the mistresses. I am probably going to tick a lot of people off when I say that the women (mistresses) are partially at fault in this situation too. If you sleep with a married/committed man and fail to protect yourself, you can't blame it all on the guy that you catch a disease. If he cheats on his wife, you are not necesarily the only one that he is cheating with and you are at risk (let alone that partners have partners, etc.) for diesease, etc. Is he cheats, he's obviously not a terribly honest guy either. NOt very smart on their part.
That is so aweful! Just last week there was a guy on the news (I can't remember where this was) but was convicted for purposely exposing 14 women to AIDS. It's terrible!

I feel bad for the wife and kids. As for the others....sorry but can't feel too badly. These guy's attitudes stink, to be sure, but hey, it takes two to tango. If you have unprotected sex, whether you are male or female, you run the risk of paying the ultimate price for stupidity. I call it "Social Darwinism".
T. :)
I too feel really bad for the wife and children. However, the mistresses may not have known he was married (look at Scott Peterson-he led a double life and Amber Frey had no clue that he was married).

Also what about the wife, does she too have HIV or AIDS now?
Oh Trevor, Trevor, Trevor ... LOL!! I can't help but laugh because you KNOW I agree with you!!

But seriously ... unprotected sex in this day and age is just plain stupid. I guess even being married to someone isn't enough "protection". It wasn't for this guy's wife. And, the mistresses may not have known he was married, but that's still no excuse to take chances. Human nature being what it is though, sometimes we do anyway.

similar story, guy in Seattle was convicted of doing the same thing sort of. spread AIDS intentionally to 17 women ( i think that's the right number). He just got sentenced to life (i think it was for over a hundred years or something like that). albeit it takes two to tango, there is also 'sabotage' of protected sex. such as a hole in a condom, not getting it put on on the way so it may pop off, etc. the whole thing is just sad, no matter how 'stupid' someone may be for unprotected sex, there are just some things that no one deserves.
Maddie, I hope you don't think I meant to imply in my post that any of these women deserved acquiring AIDS. I did not. Nor did I say that. I said their *behavior* wasn't the wisest choice. People don't "deserve" anything tragic that happens to them, but unfortunately sometimes things do happen. I don't believe the issue here is whether or not they were deserving of this. The issue, IMHO, is that these men deliberately chose to infect unsuspecting (I'm assuming they were unsuspecting) women with a lethal virus, and the women made a conscious choice to have unprotected sex with someone. It sucks, but our choices aren't always the right ones.

Unfortunately, right or wrong, we all have to live with the consequences of those choices. Is that always fair? Absolutely not, but it's the price we pay for the gift of free will. Do I believe anyone deserves to be infected with the HIV virus? Of course not! You don't know me, but if you did you'd find me a bleeding heart liberal who is actually quite compassionate. I do, however, subscribe to the belief that people have to be responsible in their behavior, and in their choices. It's the grown-up way to live. This man made a conscious choice - an extremely selfish and uncaring one, to be sure. But the women who had sex with him made their choice too. It sucks, but unless he raped them, they consciously chose to have sex with him. Hindsight is always 20/20. I'm sure if they had known he was infected they would have taken precautions or perhaps made better choices. Making a choice which turns out to be bad does not automatically imply they deserved the outcome. That is NOT what I'm saying.

Just wanted to clear this up in case anyone read way too much into my post.

Well I never thought of people who might sabotage condoms....that's an interesting one. I was thinking of just unprotected sex. Not getting a condom on excuse there. Guys should practice that until they can get them on one-handed in the dark. Or, ask the lady for some help if they don't know how.
T. :)
Hey C!
I guess this is where my cold-hearted Republican ways are going to shine through. The word "deserve" is certainly a bad choice of words but you certainly cannot save some people from themselves. It's my opinion that if those women had unprotected sex with the guy, then that's an action that they must know might cost them their lives down the road. It pays to be educated and cautious in this area for sure. People have got to learn to be responsible for their actions. The guys in these examples are monsters, no doubt, but these women should have not had unprotected sex with them. If that's how it happened. Someone above mentioned holes in the condoms put there intentionally I guess. I don't even know what to say to someone doing that.
How about a national registry for everyone who has AIDS? (I am ready for the flames my flame retardant suit on! :) )
Yep C, all of us are human and we certainly can get caught up in the moment. It's happened to me in the past. But I'll tell you what, the quickest way to clear your head(and maybe kill the mood) is to picture someone you may have seen who is in the advanced stages of dying from AIDS. Not pretty.
T. :)
I don't feel sorry for anyone but the wife and kids. If he knowingly and intentionally gave them AIDS, he can rot in prison for all I care. It's a crime to do that. Assault and manslaughter. About the women, I most likely do not care. It's also their fault for having unprotected sex with someone even if they know the person or not. A smart person would tell the partner to get HIV test done as well as the person itself just to be fair. I don't feel sorry for people who do stupid things that resulted in tragedy like HIV, AIDS, etc. It's their fault. I don't feel sorry for priests who get HIV from having sex with male prostitutes either. (Although I think it's kind of stupid for priests not being able to marry but that's my opinion)I only feel sorry for people who get it innocently i.e blood transfusion, someone intentionally gave the person HIV like needles. I don't know if you've heard about this, some guy, a nurse gave his son who was around a year or 2 old HIV from a dirty needle he got from the hospital because he didn't want to take care of him. It was in Missouri. Happened 3 yrs ago. I got EXTREMELY angry and I felt like going over there to beat him up. I feel SO bad for the son and the wife. Some women do not know the man is married, that's true. Some women do know the man is married. Married men KNOW how to get women. They whine "My wife doesn't understand me", "My wife doesn't care about me, she cares about the kids more" "My wife doesn't have a sex drive anymore" "She's not good enough in bed" meanwhile if she was that bad, why is it oftentimes she's pregnant?? Pathetic. A lot of guys don't think with their brain. Sorry about that, Trevor. I know there are a lot of guys who think with their brain as well. Don't flame me! :p If the woman is raped, then that is very sad. I know one case, a woman was walking down on 4th Ave. in NYC, some guy jumped out, BEAT HER SO BAD, raped her over and over, and she got HIV from him. She's half paralyzed, her face is very badly messed up but she went around schools gave lectures about her situation and AIDS which was very courageous trying to get kids to understand AIDS. I think she died a few yrs ago. She looked SO old and very washed down meanwhile she was only in her late 20's, early 30's. She really looked a lot different from before and after. AIDS make you look real bad and the beating she got. I felt so BAD for her. She was very sweet.

Yes, it's human nature, Carol but we have BRAINS and we should use it a lot more often. People don't think about AIDS and they say "I won't get it. I'm too healthy." That's BS. ANYONE can get it if you meet the wrong person or do the wrong thing. It's like playing the russian roulette with your life. Not worth it in my opinion. Granted, it's A LOT harder for a guy to get HIV having sex with a woman. Frankly, I think it's their problem. They did something stupid so they have to deal with it. People should know it's not safe to sleep with different people nowdays. I'm not heartless but if you screw up and never learned from it, oh well....Not my problem.
Um, Zero Tolerance, read my other posts on this thread. We're saying the same things but in different ways. I am well aware that people have brains, but thanks for letting me know just in case I forgot that today. I'm the one saying we should all take responsibility for our actions, okay? Just in case you missed my post up there. I appreciate anyone sharing their opinion but if you're going to single out my words, please make sure you actually read what I've written. Thanks so much.

Actually Trev, I wasn't trying to say anyone should be saved from themselves. I said I'm of the belief we should each take responsibililty for our actions, and that we have to live with the consequences of our choices, be they bad or good ones.

I know I was tired when I wrote that post this morning, but I guess I'd better go back and read it again because it appears my words did not convey what I intended to say. Gee ... that never happens on here ... }(

I'm going to try this again after another cup of coffee and see if I can get it right:

1) IMHO, no one "deserves" to acquire AIDS any more than they "deserve" to have anything else tragic happen in their lives, no matter how that consequence came about. Being deserving of it has nothing to do with it. Unless you're talking about a random act of violence, an illness which you could not have prevented, or a natural disaster which you could not in all good conscience have escaped from, a lot of (please notice I did not say ALL) bad things that happen to people are the result of choices they made.

2) We make choices. We can do this because as humans we have the gift of free will. Along with that gift (as with any gift) comes a responsibility.

3) That responsibility is to accept the consequences of our choices - be they good or bad. Since we cannot see into the future, we'd best make well-informed, intelligent, safe choices or we run the risk of having the consequence of that choice be tragic, painful, lethal, unplesant, etc.

4) I don't believe in saving people from themselves. I believe in teaching them (preferably their parents have taught them this from childhood!) that they are responsible for their own actions, words, and behaviors. No one else is. Only them. No one else.

5) Having unprotected sex with someone is a choice you make. You'd best be sure it's a safe and "right" choice, or you are behaving irresponsibly with your health and/or life.

6) Have I missed any points here? Let me know and I'll attempt to clarify them.


Umm, Carol....I'm not disagreeing with you. I've read your posts. Pretty much everyone said the same thing but in a different way on this thread anyway. You have your opinion and I have mine. We don't have to agree otherwise this will be boring. I didn't totally agree with your first post but the last one before the one you posted to me, I agree with most things you've said. Have a good one!
Gotcha C. I was just conveying my thoughts is all. I think I understood your post. LOL!! But then again, I am pretty tired myself.
T. :)
Zero Tolerance, I didn't say anyone had to agree with me. As you said, we all have our opinions. I just wanted to make sure if someone was going to specifically address me in a post using my own words, that they understood what I was saying, that's all. You have a good one too!

Okay! Just making sure my meaning was clear and understood. You know how that goes - you type something and think it "reads" a certain way, only to find out 12 posts later it most definitely read another way to just about everyone on the board - LOL!! Thanks for letting me clarify it with you!!

Ah you and I don't have these problems C. We're both a couple of blunt SOBs and are cut from the same cloth! LOL!!
T. :)

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