This is just TOO!!!!!!! sad

LOL! No sh*t!! Isn't that the truth though? Thanks!! ;-)

:) :) :)
Trevor your "Social Darwinism" is like my DHs "Selective Breeding" statement. Its one way to rid the world of STUPID people who endanger other people. NOT that I agree with that.

Im surprised they DO NOT have a National Registry for Aids, because they do for "Genital Herpes". Im not sure how that helps the person inflected but it does help the Health Department to data and graph diseases I surpose.

A number of years back, Australia was allowed to show very informative commercials on "safe sex" and condoms, then the "MORALITY" people stepped in and put a stop to that. It was seen as "unnecessary viewing for the children"...............go figure!

Those "groups" really piss me off (Am I allowed to say the P word?)

Actually I am not too surprised they don't have a registry for AIDS. It's not PC. It's the disease of choice to feel sorry about in this culture whereas you are diseased and dirty if you have any of a number of other sicknesses/illnesses.
Hmmmm, "piss" wasn't blocked off so it must be allowed! LOL!!

Geez Claridge, at the risk of flames here, don't ya just love those groups? NOT. We don't want our children to have unsafe sex, so instead of teaching them ways in which to have safe sex, we ignore the issue completely. Duh! I don't know about you, but even back in the stone age when I was a teen, kids were having sex. I'm not saying I agree with it, or condone it, or would be turning cartwheels to find out my 14 year daughter was sexually active, but if they want to do it they will find a way, come h*ll or high water. You do the best you can, and give them the best foundation you can, but it still comes down to their personal choice one day. Ignoring the issue means they might not get the information they need to make intelligent, informed choices. Yes, as parents we should be teaching them these things. But not every parent does, or wants to. Some people stick their heads in the sand and say, "not my kid! He would never do that!" Wrong.

I agree with you and Trevor!!


(edited for typos only)
Yep.......ya gotta love ANYONE who thinks on your behalf and makes decisions on your behalf, because you are oviously NOT intelligent enough to make your own decision.

I could ask 50 people tomorrow - at work and at the Gym, if they have EVER been asked whether we should have sex education at school, and I mean the "REAL MCCOY" sex education, with the "proper" names, and I can bet you the answer will be NO from all of them.

Thats what gets my goat when "groups" justify their decision based on public sway. What public? No one asked me!

Im also annoyed that my childs school has removed the condom machines from the bathrooms in the 17-19year old department. Okey, okey, most were been used as water baloons, but Im sure, some were also used as they should be.

Granted, young adults should be able to talk to their parents about "sex" but for a multitude of reasons, this doesnt always happen, thus I think ANYTHING that will help save a child from early pregnantcy and desease gets my vote.


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